Java/ALSA/Blackboard Collaborate Sound Issue (Linux)

My mom needs a program called Blackboard Collaborate. It is written in Java and runs fine however, it has an audio issue. The sound sounds choppy to the point that it make it so she can not understand what is being said on the other end. I look in the sound and volume settings for pulse audio. The program "Java ALSA Plugin" keeps flickering (like a light might do) like it is being started and stopped quickly but at random intervals. This seems to be the cause of the issue. Her computer is running Manjaro Gnome. Does anyone know how to fix this issue? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

open up a terminal and type in


Should give you a starting point

Thanks for the response @Dje4321. I tried that command but it returned

zsh: command not found: alsa-mixer

I tried

pacman -Ss alsamixer

but it returned nothing so I ran

pacman -Ss alsamixer

That returned

extra/gnome-alsamixer 0.9.7-3
Gnome ALSA mixer

Should I install Gnome ALSA mixer, or is there something else I should do?

whoops my bad.




That gave me this:

(I'm SSHed into the computer as my mom is using it right now, although I can walk over to it and have her move if needed.)