Jailingbreaking Mini Ipad

I've got a Mini Ipad and I was wondering if I could jailbreak it. I am very new to all of this stuff but I really want to get into it, so first of all. What is Jailbreaking? How does it help? I know I can't send it to apple or w/e afterwards, but it never really goes anywhere outside the house and has a sweet case so I don't think much could happen to it.


Then the difficult bit. How would I go about doing it?

it entirely depends on what version of iOS it is and what generation iPad mini it is. if is is on iOS 6.1 or 6 then you'll be able to use the evasi0n jailbreak. All you have to do it press a button and the utility does it all for you. If you still do not feel comfortable doing this then i would recommend looking up a tutorial on YouTube.

Jailbreaking is an exploit in an apple device which essentially allows the user to install 3rd party applications that do not have approval by apple. This can add additional functionality to your device and gives you the opportunity to fully customise your device.