Iwlwifi driver causing freeze of ubunutu 16.04 kernel 4.13

Dell Latitude E6410. i5 8gb ram NVIDIA 3100m

So I install the updates for ubuntu and I get the new 4.13.0-26 generic. After that my system started randomly freezing. Unrecoverable with keyboard input. I booted back into my previous kernel 4.10.0-28 generic. Same thing. After some research I found that others were having the same issue but it had to do with virtual box. So I removed VB and everything was fine for a couple days. Then it started freezing again. I look at the logs and they are showing the same warnings.

Here is a syslog output of my most recent issue. I asked about my initial issue at https://askubuntu.com/questions/998165/why-does-my-16-04-install-keep-randomly-freezing

what the hell is going on?
here is my recent syslog