iSwitched to Linux

I just watched the Linus TechTips video on his month with Mac. I know Logan is interested in Linux and switching over so I think it would be amazing if Logan did a parody of Linus's Mac video only for Linux. Maybe team up with Linus and do a joint challenge to use Linux as a daily driver for 1 month and then review the experience. Maybe do it with a System76 rig if they don't want to install it and all that jazz. I could totally see Logan doing the dirty dirty install and config but Linus being all hands off on install. There are so many of us commenting on the video that Linus needs to do a Linux version but I think Logan doing it would be the boost/push Linus needs to do it too. Thoughts?

+1 Pretty please guys?

I watched a bit of Linus' iSwitched on Mac. Besides his usual obnoxiousness, he clearly didn't understand jack shit of even OSX, which is like a limited version of a very old linux in some way. What would Linus Tech Tips do with linux lolz? Oh yes... glue advertising all over it and complain that it isn't worth it because it's not a commercial software console that gets marketing budget money...

I think Tek Syndicate and Linux Tech Tips have very little in common to be honest...

Where's the challenge in using linux for a month?

Using Windows for a month when you're trying to get stuff done, now that would be the real challenge (for me, at least).

I commented on his channel to do the same thing.. but reading your comments, I don't think it's a good idea anymore. He seems like a Windows user through and through and not in a good way. Problem is, that Windows "power" users are extremely hard to convince any other platform might be good, since they are so used to Windows bugs and oddities that they perceive them as features. Although I don't think his iSwitched video was particularly bad, he went in thinking in the Windows way. When you switch OS, it's best to try to forget everything you know about using computer. I found out the hard way with my brother's ex-wife. She thinks herself computer power user, but when I lent her one of my Ubuntu machines, she made a complete ruin of it. She totally ignored repositories, and .deb packages (even though I repeatedly shown her), instead running all programs programs in Wine. When I saw her using Chrome, VLC, and some shitty DVD maker in Wine, I knew it was waste of time trying to teach her way of the penguin. To this day she is the only person, that I found incompatible with Linux. I think Linus is the same way - thinks himself power user, but is so inflexible, that he is locked inside the Microsoft cage.


But I ain't got time for that shit lolz...

There are a lot of people that think that they know everything about computers because of the Windows software console, but they can't even get around in Powershell ISE...

But there's nothing fundamentally wrong with that, it's just what it is... there are more people gaming on a hardware console than on a PC, and there are more people using software consoles than real full blown operating systems, it's normal.

Microsoft is trying hard to make Windows more like Linux, but it's just not working, because the user base wants something else, the user base of linux, the way it is now on x86, is quite the opposite. That's why Google has made Android. There is absolutely no reason at all to put a Java runtime environment on top of a HAL on top of the linux kernel, unless you want to hide linux. That's what the mass market wants, they want software consoles, they prefer CrOS over Gentoo, they prefer SteamOS over Debian, etc...

And that's the difference: Linus Tech Tips wants his viewers to buy stuff, preferably locked down commercial stuff. That's because he's just another fish in the pond that's so diva and that thinks it's so special, whereas in fact, it's just another software console slave...

Open source and GNU/Linux are more for people that want more than just to be a fish in the pond, they want to create their own pond, they want to invest more to get exponentially more return on investment, not just financially, but also because they really love technology, not just love talking about and selling boxes.

It's remarkable how self-disciplined the YouTube PC marketing community is in self-censorship. Linux needs to be censored, and now that the original linux community has moved on, and have stepped down from the barricades, it becomes fashionable to talk about linux, not because they've finally seen the light, but because Valve and Google... while at the same time, the same YouTube marketing community is still promoting nVidia products, even though Maxwell doesn't even do what it says on the box in Windows, the only platform the products even remotely work on. But everything has to be kept hush, no bad word about one of the major sponsors you know... that's the level of YouTube tech channels... they won't create their own markets by telling the truth about products and by sticking to open source and linux goodness, they will play safe and tap into existing markets that are laid out for them, even if that means passively aiding and abetting the manufacturers that sell crappy products for a premium price, because they don't care about the tech, they only care about the tech marketing budgets, because they are unable to construct their own business model, they're just undercutting existing marketing contractors in price because of the leveling of skills in the reclining capitalist society that makes that happen. Linus Tech Tips is exactly that, in a shamelessly extreme way, and people with some experience in business, just know that Linus Tech Tips is a CFIT waiting to happen.

Video editing

PiTiVi, OpenShot, Cinerella, Lightworks....

wow... Your head is an interesting place :)

Yup, Dreamworks doesn't have time for that shit either lolz, because they're the best and they want to stay the best, so their only option is linux. The Matrix for instance in its time was a pretty revolutionary video editing feat. It would never have happened without linux and open source applications...

The entire broadcasting world runs on linux. It's not because they're cheap, but it's because it's the only platform that allows them to do what they have to do. Imagine CNN or other major news networks without iNEWS software, which exclusively runs on linux (RHEL/SLES) servers. The amount of video data that needs to be processed as fast as possible, leaves no choice but to go for linux, because time is money, especially in news casting, and in order to save time, only the most efficient tools are considered. That's why iNEWS for instance only runs on linux, not even on OSX.

I really agree with him in regards to Linus. You may call him a cynic, but I see someone with insight. As much as I hate his political opinions lol.

Yeah, I really wouldn't want Linus using Linux. Unix stuff seems to go right over his head.

I can imagine Linux brought to you by Microsoft, Corsair, Intel  flavored Mountain Dew Doritos.

I love the part when he calls terminal an "app", apparently shells are just add-on's now. As far as my thoughts are concerned he's just perpetuating the assumption that mac is (*completely) locked down and terrible. Unix like systems are all better than windows IMO, it seems that everyone just forgot that windows was a knock-off.

unix are indeed better than windows, but apple aproach it's also indeed very limited and locked down OS... the close enviorement to lock mac users to only use apple peripherals in hardware are somehow an abnouxious pratice

...In the same respect windows uses secure boot to lock it's users in, not to mention the office suite. The main difference that I see is that the OSX kernel is open source and NT is not. Yes mac is worse than windows in some cases with drm, but windows doesn't get a freebie because of this.

I think we may all be looking at this from the wrong perspective. Let us ask ourselves, what is open source all about? Last I heard it was about freely sharing not just technology, but information freely and openly, thus promoting teamwork and collaboration. Isn't that the goal here? Alright, granted, I dare say Linus and his gang may not be the most educated regarding linux, but what if a collaboration between LTT and TS could actually teach them something? Hell I'd kill for an hour to geek out with Wendel about server distributions of linux or Logan and the latest offerings from AMD and Nvidia over a cold beer. Who wouldn't? So the better question I suppose is, if they made this, would we watch it? I sure as hell would! Those videos and various tech forums make my work day just a little brighter.

I would like to see Logan or Linus do a video on switching to Linux in hopes that they would shed light on a reason to do so. For the average tech person at least. I think Linux is cool and a really interesting method of tackling work but at this point I have reason to make the switch. Hopefully a video from Linus or Logan (both whom I trust in the tech world) would show me the light. 

I wouldn't mind a TS/LLT crossover.

I enjoy reading Zoltan's posts. I may not always agree with everything said as perspectives can be somewhat different.  However it's made me re-new my interest in open-source and free-software - mostly because often I don't believe everything said and having assumptions and beliefs challenged is healthy :-P  

In my view Zoltan  has  an almost unique philosophical perspective on what an operating system is. To me Windows is not just a software console; how you choose to use the operating system and what to run on it is what makes it so.

Likewise just because something like SteamOS is open source I don't think of it as 'free' software and would lean towards regarding that being an OS to be consumed as a software console. 

I guess there is a pragmatic vs philosophical point here. Often I hear windows slated as an OS but I've found it to be a solid enterprise platform if properly administered; upon which you can successfully run open source or free software if you choose to. I've had to deal with far more shitty Linux and Open Source problems in recent years but arguably most of those have been caused by misuse or an assumption that because it is *nix based it can be left alone .

Ergo my practical view is run what meets your requirements but properly administer it! Certainly if you have a team of decent programmers and support staff why would you choose to run proprietary software if that means handing over $ to something that you actually can't fully control or support yourself?

I suspect Zoltan takes the takes the philosophical perspective that all software should be open source and should not be used to run any proprietary software or infringe on your human rights -  I'm sure he'll tell me if I'm wrong :-)