I have an Ubuntu SVR instance running as a VM with the idea of running a tailscale exit node on my NAS.
The problem for me currently is that I cannot use the following installation script
curl -fsSL https://tailscale.com/install.sh | sh
From which I cannot get the charecter | pasted.
I have no idea how I could get this script running…
And for some reason I cannot get that charecter in noVNC…
And the VM serial shell working. I cannot type anything there, and I it does not output the VM output in the system shell, apart from the picture on the bottom.
My problem is this
I cannot SSH to that box since I haven’t seen any ability to port-forward the port 22 on the host (Truenas Scale) side.
So the SSH goes to the Truenas Scale, not the VM.
Could you define what you were meaning by “from another box” I am guessing you meant another machine on the network? Just making sure I understood
what is the IP address of the VM? by default your host NIC should have a bridge that you assign the VM too. the VM should receive (or be assigned) a new IP depending on your network.