Issue w/ KVM Console USB and Switcher Button

I just got my kvm in and hooked up but I’m running into two issues.

It’s the 2 computer 3 display port 5gig model

Issue 1 none of the console USB seem to be not be responding, I’ll plug in a mouse and try to move it and not get any response but when I use the 3.2 gen ports they work. I use a Logitech mx master mouse and a glorious keyboard.

My other issue is that I can’t seem to get my port switching to work. It gives me the green light to show both computers are registered but when I click the select button nothing happens. I can kinda get things to switch by unplugging my computer and restart my kvm to get it to pickup the computer I want.

I do want to note the visual pass through works perfectly for both PC passthroughs

is it a blue-end usb3 A to B cable? symptom is similar to using a usb2 cable not a usb3 cable.

I use a Logitech mx master mouse and a glorious keyboard.
try the logitech mouse in hid

and glorious in usb3 port. power cycle the kvm when you make this change

get things to switch by unplugging my computer and restart my kvm to get it to pickup the computer I want.

This sounds like the power brick is loose. Can you double check the 2 prong plate on the power brick and make sure its attached and the prongs are springy and in the right spots.

the usb cable is the one from the website, and my motherboard only has gen 3.2 usb to hook up to. I checked and power cable is good and in the right spots. My issue isn’t it changing randomly but that the front select button doesn’t seem to do anything. Also my usb connections don’t work at all if I power cycle the kvm with them plugged in, only if I turn on the kvm and then plug them in

okay, if you plug in only the power brick do you get a red light on the front? nothing else connected?

if not do you have another 12v dc power brick you can try? center positive, 1.5 amps or greater?

I get the green light to show what pc is connected and then the red light to show which one I am on

but with only the power brick connected, does the front button not click or beep? you should get an indicator as to which is active when you hit the button with only the power brick connected, and it should beep

the green light shows up even when its not plugged in with the power brick. but when I hit the select button I get no sound indicator. I do here a beep when I plug the brick in

So we are doing diagnostics right now wirh only the power brick connected. No usb. No display.

Red light and beep. Hitting the button should change inputs. As indicated by a red light that shines where the green light is youre talking about in these replies.

Only power brick connected.

Okay with nothing but power brick when i hit the button it beeps and cycles though pc1 and pc2

Edit: looks like order of operations matters, I was able to fix my issue by unplugging everything, then plug in wall power, then usb to computers, then usb for peripherals.

Note: its nots letting me run my mouse and keyboard to my second computer though. It is a laptop thats connected by a docking station so maybe thats an issue?

What laptop? What docking station?

Laptop is a Dell latitude 5430 and the docking station is a dell wd 19s

Edit: if i run the usb connector from the KVM into my laptop and not the docking station the usbs work and function normally

so the wd19 has a number of firmware updates, I bet if you fully update it, it’ll resolve there too.