Is Vivaldi a privacy based browser?

I listened to the talk on Destination Linux with Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner, downloaded it and LOVED the UI.

But is this proprietary program actually privacy conscious?

I read through the privacy policy.Vivaldi Browser privacy policy | Vivaldi Browser

Vivaldi will send a message using HTTPS directly to our servers located in Iceland every 24 hours containing this ID, version, cpu architecture, screen resolution and time since last message

This feels like a finger print?

On desktop, Vivaldi integrates the Safe browsing API from Google, which checks the site you are visiting against a master list of known suspected phishing and malware sites. This feature can be turned off in the Privacy settings (Settings > Privacy > Privacy).

We use Google’s form autofill feature that helps you fill out forms on the web more quickly. Autofill is enabled by default and in the desktop browser, it can be turned off at any time in Vivaldi’s settings. This feature does not send your personal information to Google. Detailed information of what is shared can be found here. We are working to make this possible in Vivaldi for Android also.

The Tracker & Ad Blocking wasn’t enabled by default
And the google services were enabled by default…

Are there any avid Vivaldi users with settings recommendations?

FYI, every time I think of the word Vivaldi - In my head, Mario from N64 says it.

Vivaldi is not really a privacy based browser.
It’s mainly just a customized chrome / chromium with some special sauce added to it.
And allot of settings you could tweak via the ui.
The browser is maintained by the old Opera dev crew.

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I think it depends on your definition of it.

They are privacy minded, but that doesn’t mean that they are super hardcore and rip out half the code base of chromium for it. IMO they are reasonable in what they do with it tho.

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This may give a nice small review/overview:

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No. It’s a browser aimed at “power users” (whatever that means), featuring a boatload of features and customization options. Some may call it bloat. I recall they also have an email client built into the browser, like SeaMonkey. It’s basically “the browser that does everything” with an added ad / tracker blocker. But they collect telemetry and use some Google services, so it cannot be called a privacy browser.

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I used it. I liked it. It’s awesome. But I dumped it because it’s imbred with google.

I can see how sysadmins would love the tiling within the browser

4.0,x86_64,1920x1080,86400 ... Not much of a fingerprint… also, if it’s over https at least you’re not leaking your browser more widely.

Safe browsing API has 2 types of calls defined: one where you can send a URL to look stuff up, and another where you can download a list to use locally. The latter makes more sense to use both for privacy but more so for performance reasons.

All the browser leaked data is pretty much unique. So yeah it is. It’s pretty much is.

When you do leak test, it’s always like “99.99% (3 of 791984 user agents have the same signature)”.

And Vivaldi had default enabled telemetry for them selves last time I checked.

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Yes, (header order/user agent/what javascript tends to run/…) but the data Vivaldi claims to collect explicitly is not very unique.

(eff panopticon is a fun and depressing resource in case folks are wondering)

Just like with every other main stream webrowser,
Vivaldi also needs to make money somehow right?

What? No.
They are doing this out of the goodness of their hearts and they all work for free.