Is this good first build? so i need it to play like dayz, Rust(like dayz) maybe maybe battlefield. i would like to play most games on ultra/high. all i have is $800-$900 if there is anything to change to be better please tell me im new to this

Here's my build for 900$ you said you have a bugdet of 900$ but in your own build you went over 1000$?

i may use your build and add a good cooler i heard amd's cpu coolers are that good

I would stay away from XFX's power supplies. Overall they're good quality, but so many of the units have or develop noisy fans. I had to exchange the fan on mine, and googling the problem I found out tons of people had a problem with their fans as well.

I'd also change the 760 to an Asus model with a DCII cooler, if noise is any consideration to you.

Like Samuli said if you want quiet go with something like a Seasonic, they are one of my favorites and some of their powers supplies come with 5 year warranties

i want the most power i can get for my money and i dont want to be crazy loud im gonna keep the 760 i have right now but ill change the PSU