I've watched some videos where Logan and Wendell encourage learning about Linux and I'm wondering if there are any programming codes that would be more beneficial to learn than others in regard to programming for Linux opposed to windows.
I have limited experience with code (some html 4 about a decade ago) and apologize for my ignorance if this is a stupid thing to ask.
any.. literately any. except maybe C# its supported by mono, but less so because there are propriatory parts. Python is usualy an easy language to learn.
There are a set of specifications and standards you need to follow to develop for linux, because your code needs to be portable, hence the saying "write once, compile everywhere."
We tend to use C or C++ to target different standards using GCC (GNU compiler).
Also, it's important to note that we usually follow the LSB (Linux Standard Base) which is a list of library functions/behaviours and system standards that our code needs to adhere to for proper linux compatibility.
The thing is, the OP (opening post) asks about programming for linux.
Bash and Python use interpreters and are called "Scripting" languages. Whilst both said scripting languages are incredibly useful - they aren't programming languages.
OP also calls it programming "codes" and mentions HTML as relevant experience. They do not seem to be worried about being pedantic about what constitutes a programming language.
Python and shell scripting get my vote as well for valuable languages to learn on Linux. Python is a great beginner language that will teach you a lot about programming in general. Shell scripting is invaluable because you get to learn a lot about the operating system's design and philosophy and get introduced to what basic programs are available and how they function.
Im sure sure what that attitude(?) is for? You said they aren't programming languages. They are programming languages.. You said you've been programming a long time, you should know this.