Hello Dear LevelOne-sies and LevelOne-ers.
I just signed up here to be at the Heartbeat of IT.
I have a need to ask the Experts about a new Development at Microsoft and its Visual Basic Department.
Does anyone know someone who has Information about the State of Visual Basic and its Future?
I spent Years of Development in Visual Basic just for a Hobby, and I sold only one Copy of a Application.
That was back in the Days, when Applications where called Programs.
I sometimes Dream in VB, especially when i want to hit a Hi-score in a Flipper by adding a Multiplication-Feature into the Flipper-Counter. That is really a disturbing Dream sometimes. And I will never talk about it, ever. What happens at the Flipper stays at the Flipper.
I am from Germany and I won a Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition. I paid 1000€ to get the 2010 Edition also as a Pro Variant.
And now all this is for Free.
So I spent allot of Time behind the Screen and not learning Programming Right till today.
Dear Uncle Bod: I want to be a good Programmer, and if the Oath will become a reality, i will willingly Swear it, I Swear! By my Beard.
I started to Develop a Mass Mailer Program, for a Friend of mine who had a small Mobile phone-Trading Company (B2B).
It had a small HTML Editor, COM Connection to MS Outlook to Manage the Emails. I optimized the Application by changing its Mail library and speeded it up by 500%.
That was my first Application that was used by others then me.
Then came the IPhone. Market went down…
But since then I had fun learning more and more, exploring not just the Basics also advanced Stuff.
It is feasible to call me a Microsoftie.
Since September 2019 I participated on this Site:
Add VBNET Support to NET Core 3 WPF Windows Forms Projects
So we Accomplished something… We thought.
Now there is the Announcement that Visual Basic will only be Supported in .NET 5, but will have no Improvements and no new Features.
I didn´t know for Years that Visual Basic is Open Source, and even I tried to search on GitHub, I cannot Find any Visual Basic Source code.
So we fought, got a “Thumbs up” and a “Cool”, and now we are Doomed.
So I have to learn C# and its Caprioles in Brackets and Semicolons?
I don´t know if Uncle Bob is considering Lambda-Expressions in C# are well Executed.
Imagine this: I had to spent 3 Years to get my head around MVVM.
And then one of the most important Short and on Point Description gave me the AHHH-Moment. And it was buried under nonsense and distracting info’s. These deceptive Info’s where everywhere and could be Avoided if MS had an easy to understand Learning Course.
And, Yes, I watched Bob Tabor and Mr. Nixon, I admit it…
What is what You heard? Are there Rumors or any Facts?
Is it time to see a well working Language being abandoned by a Company for the sake of Consolidation or just to get rid of all Old Stuff?
Ok. Here I am and cannot proceed into my Future without Visual Basic.
BTW: English is not My native Language, and my lack of Empathy for any Syntax or Gramma in any give Language should not bother You too much.
I am really curious to hear from all of You, but one Person or Robot at the Time. I am from the Spaghetticoder-Species.
Greeting form Springified Hamburg.