Hey people. Im a huge of the God of war series ever since it came in 2005. I have played all of the games except ascension, on hard and a few on god mode, and Iv loved the epic story,graphics, and of course the blood. And more importantly, Iv really liked kratos as the main character, just because he's badass, has a good story, and I really loved all of his weapons. But news has come around that kratos will no longer be the main character. I mean that's simply bull shit. Sure kratos is the typical angry stereotype,but it just suits the game for all of its violence, sex and it's kid Greek mythology + adult way to rip off people's heads/limbs/god knows what. So that's what I wanted to say about it. I'd like to hear from you if Uv got a good point about why it's good for the character change but if you agree, comments and likes are appreciated.
Sorry for necroing this thread, but no one replied to this guy........ Kratos is dead.......