Is running Anbox on the Librem5 reasonably secure?

I’ve had luck running Android apps in Qubes OS to keep them from looking into my stuff. The idea is basically to achieve the same in a Librem5 phone running Pure OS: to compartmentalize Android using Anbox and have it with me on the go… It’s an expensive phone so I would like help in trying to figure out if it’s worth it or is this a method that will compromise privacy/security nevertheless?

Anbox uses Linux Containers under the hood, so it’s a well supported and used technology. Very portable within any Linux distro. So yes, reasonably secure.

On Pinephone at least, Anbox integration is kind of terrible on every distro right now. The UI isn’t very mobile friendly yet, and there’s no tooling around creating containers/profiles in a sugary way that might appeal to app users.

After the release of PureOS 10, I suspect that will get much more attention. WIndows 11 supporting Android apps is probably going to advance that feature set.

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