Is Nvidia trolling us with their naming scheme?

I was thinking about the everybody commenting on the GTX 1080. They were joking in saying that it was for gaming at 1080p.

Nvidia is not only trying to confuse us with Pascal Titan X, but now reviewers are calling it Titan XP... Nvidia is trying to subconsciously make me think that I am back to gaming around 2005...

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I am so glad AMD choose to take the roman 10 (X) instead of doing this: (click on it, the forum is too dark)

Nvidia is trolling us with everything and it doesn't matter because people are buying.
Amd have 4 different naming schemes for the last 4 generations... 7000, R3/5/7/9, Fury/FuryX, now RX...
I don't get it... Any of it if I must be honest... But no matter. It is only a matter of time, before Intel sort itself out and start making GPUs...

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Or Samsung decides it would be a funny little adventure...

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Samsung officially makes chips for AMD now... Not the food chips... I think they are in this together...

Completly ignoring AMD using Nvidia's naming scheme, just a few years behind in numbers

Using 3 Digits =/= copying Nvidia's naming scheme, since when have you seen a GTX 390?

90 used to be the designation of dual gpu, We had the GTX380. GTX 480. Its just kinda funny.

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Whatever... For Me the important thing is price/performance...

Naming is not really that important...
I just miss the days, when I knew what the names was. It was nice... 5000 series, 700 Is budget, 800 are high end, 900 is for rich people, 70 is full chip, 50 is slightly cut down chip because of tiny manufacturing issues or something...

People in this forum really need to get that dick out of their ass and take a joke. Its like I attacked their god or something

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Nooooooooo… It’s just fine in there…

Whatever floats your boat

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