Is my EPS power connector seated well enough?

I bought a cheap 8 pin EPS cable, and it’s not seating as easily or as well as the CableMod 8 pin EPS. There’s a slight gap between the cable and connector. I can’t get it in any deeper. Is it secure enough?


looks fine to me, as long as it’s even all around.

I wouldn’t worry about it. Is it latching or is it loose? The only thing it might happen is the latch not seated slowly pushing the connector out of the socket. Other than that, no worries.

The latch is on all the way. I think it’s just a cheap cable, and not built adequately to size specs.

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You can absolutely live with it, don’t worry. It’s even a secondary EPS power cable so, unless you’re going sub-zero and overclocking beyond any reasonable limit not even smaller gauge wire is gonna be an issue (since it’s a chep cable, it might be the case).

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