Is it just me or is Commander Shepard's voice acting bad? It's so bland and boring. Emotionless.
Someone please counter agrue with me. Their has to be a reason that it's so bad. Right? I dear hope so. It just takes me out of the game how he just talks exactly the same, and even carries the same expression. It gets on my nerves.
Personaly I don't think that it is bad voice acting it is just part of his character. He is a United States general, people don't get there by being emotional. Plus he has seen alot in his time as a gen, remember his line of "I lost 30,000 men..." I think that after something like that, which he probably blames on himself, someone would be very emotionaly cold.
I think that if Shepard had shown more emotion it would have detracted from his overall character. Also someone as cold as Shepard is easier to portray as a person that would betray his own troops then someone who is more upbeat.
These are all my opinions, but I hope this helps you out.
I think the op is talking about Commander Shepard form Mass Effect. I never really had a problem with the voice acting, if you don't like it, you can create a Female Shepard, the female voice actor is somewhat better.
wow that was my bad. I guess I need to learn to read a little bit better. But does anyone want to discuss a counter point to my topic? I would love to hear some and talk about it.
Yeah, the voice acting is horrible. Then again a large amount of the voices seem detached and even when people are staring at you thier eyes seem to be looking a few feet off to the side or they just look like they are not seeing you.