iRedMail kinda messed up my server

Hey everyone,

So I have a VPS through, and have a wordpress site setup. Due to mail not being configured, any contact form submissions do not work. So, in an attempt to get mail postfix set up easy, I used iRedMail - Free, Open Source Mail Server Solution

Everything works, BUT

IRedMail decided to make it so that going to the domain redirects to mail automatically, i.e: going to automatically goes to, where I did not set it to do so anywhere.

And, it has seemed to replace my letsencrypt SSL certificate and has reverted to http only traffic.

Kinda mind blown here and not finding much about it, thanks everybody.

I had the same problem with iredmail. I chose to use nginx for my web server, so I’m not sure what it would be like with apache but I imagine it would be similar.

The index.php in /var/www/html had a redirect to
I was just able to replace the contents in /var/www/html with the content that I wanted. This was the first time I tried using nginx, but it seems that iredmail doesn’t follow the typical configuration structure, so hosting multiple domains doesn’t seem worth the effort - for me at this time anyway.

As for redirecting to https, you should be able to find the answers by searching for https redirect [ apache | nginx ] depending on which you chose.

Hope this helps a little bit, if you’re even still using it. I know it’s an old post.

If you are, I’d like to hear if you still like it. I personally love it!