I’m looking for software that will allow me to add multiple render nodes to and use ipmi to get control over them. Stuff like start/stop/remote/etc/etc.
Can any1 recommend anything?
Running on windows.
I’m looking for software that will allow me to add multiple render nodes to and use ipmi to get control over them. Stuff like start/stop/remote/etc/etc.
Can any1 recommend anything?
Running on windows.
Traditionally you wouldn’t want to use IPMI for that, ipmi ends up being clunky. (Windows RDP or ssh are far more commonly used for simple administration of remote machines).
How many machines are you planning on using, and what software do you want to render from (e.g. blender?)
I have about 10+ nodes. So far I was using Window Remote Manager(discontinued now - but still used by me) for managing per node basis. But I wanted something that can start machine/access it while its offline. I know Supermicro has IPMIview but for some reason it does not start on my windows… I tried wake on lan but that has random luck of working…
In general I use ReFaMo for “general monitoring” and I’m missing a good start/stop/restart/ monitoring tool.
EDIT actually IPMIviewer works but I have to run it as admin O_o
The IPMIViewer might just work actually, looks like I can make a group, add all systems and then run start all command, gotta test it ! :- )