INWIN Epic Cases, 98" 8K TV | CES 2016 | Tek Syndicate


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re: Inwin LED Double Mirror

I would absolutely pay for that front panel! That thing is gorgeous!

re: Pink Power Bank

hahaha! Well done! +1

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If this H frame 2.0 would have RGB LEDs instead of one color, that would be so sweet.

I just completed a build but that Inwin mirrored front case is making me drool. Seriously, I just had to wipe my mouth.

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That In Win case....I love my Arc Midi R2 but I think I might have to make that switch...

Yes I would buy that Inwin 805 with the LED Illusion Front. but i would prefer if it had at least 2x 51/4" bays behind it....
(yes I still use optical drives try not to let it melt your brain)

I love Logan and Paul's mystery science theater 3000 commentary at the start when watching the Skyworth TV :D

I'm not a big LED guy and I usually gravitate to more clean, simple designs, but I have to say that special front panel on the Inwin 805 looks pretty rad.

EDIT: wrong thred

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That front panel is beautiful! I would love that on a case.