I want to dabble into more enterprise IT stuff that my company deals with. What would be good books for self learning the groundware of Linux and Azure stacks? My company uses Azure and probably Linux, but i want to learn it juat incase
These are two widely different topics actually.
Azure is Microsofts name for their collective Server-As-A-Service architecture. Actually, it is their -As-A-Service architecture period (SaaS, HaaS, CaaS, MaaS, AIaaS et cetera), but for you it is the Server/Software-As-A-Service that is interesting.
Linux is an operating system that is mostly run in a Server context although a few of us stubborn neckbeards like to run it on our development machines. In a professional context, it is a good skill to know some Linux, and especially a Linux terminal, but unless you are (or planning to) become a server admin, a developer or a tester, it is doubtful if that skillset will help you very much.
Most overlap with Azure and Linux you will find in the DevOPs department. Everyone hate DevOPs, because they tend to automate entire departments out of a job - or atleast decimate those departments from dozens upon dozens to a handful of employees. Still, DevOPs are a challenging position and I do not think they get nearly enough credit for the money they save. If DevOPs didn’t exist in your company chances are you’ll be outcompeted and overrun by a competitor that does do DevOPs within a couple of years, though, so they are the reason you will still have a job in 2025.
So how do you learn Azure and Linux? You can start by just lazily take a look at something like John Savill’s excellent Azure tutorials:
Like everything related to computing, this is a skill that needs to be practiced and updated. You will suck in the beginning. Keep at it until you’ve gotten through a couple of months. Then you can reevaluate if this is something you want to dig deeper into.
As for Linux, Chris Titus Tech does a wonderful job of avoiding the worst beginner mistakes. I recommend his First-Time Linux Installation series as well as Learning Terminal in Linux and his generic Linux Tutorial videos.