Interesting Video on Linux's Capabilities {Myth-Busting Linux}

Arguments like these are why we can't have nice things.

Guys, what are you even fighting over lolz... I think we all agree that Matthew Moore made a shit video with absurd content, no? So he found a Windows-only virus on a Linux-governed storage volume... big deal, Google does that like a couple of million times per second lolz... linux happens to have the only remotely functional anti-virus software just because Windows-users exist, people like Matthew Moore should just think a bit more before making videos... the real thing that should have popped up in his head, is the question why a Windows-virus is detected in Linux and not in Windows on his rigs... he's just a superficial beginning linux user that hasn't learned much yet, he should wait before making videos like that...

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Cause the man clearly tried to make a few points to prove Linux isn't perfect. Unlike what people like you seem to constantly claim. And if you bothered to watch the video he clearly said that he stopped dual-booting, and runs Arch Linux exclusively. What other systems he has is irrelevant to this conversation. He described the Linux enthusiast with once sentence. "A lot of expert linux users are completely convinced, that everything they say is true, when it just simply isnt."

The better questions that should be asked is why is Windows even in this conversation? It shouldn't.. It's a Linux Video. and two, where and how did this man download software that was infected? Did he try to get it by typing a command in the command line? Did he get it from the software centre? Or did he download it the old "fashioned" way by going to a shady website and just downloading it from there.

All i took from his Virus Segmenet is that he probably downloaded something from a shady website or source and it infected other software on his machine.

Was that directed towards me? Because if it was, you seem pretty confused.

Matthew Moore has proven nothing, because his entire show was a misrepresentation, as he didn't find a linux infection, he found a Windows infection (as per the file extension). That is what Windows has to do with it... Matthew Moore has simply proven - against his will even - that Windows viri are omnipresent, and that Linux doesn't care about them. His system was never compromized, even though he tries to demonstrate the contrary. So even if he tries to prove a point, he still proves the contrary. That's why he needs to learn a few more things before posting videos like that, that's all lolz.

It's not a thing to argue about, because there is nothing to argue about. It's not about who's right and who's wrong. The essence of this thread is just that Matthew Moore's video proves the contrary of what he's trying to prove, and that the conclusion he thinks he's drawing, is really objectively completely false. That is a valid point for discussion in my opinion, and has nothing to do with preferences, it's - as explained above by several users - an objective fact.

As I said before, the whole popular credo about the "linux community" and the "elitist mentality" and the "always wanna be right", etc... holds no ground. It is a popular argument because it is shallow. That is what makes things popular these days on the internet. That is why bogus linux criticism videos like Matthew Moore's are also popular. Maybe he made the video on purpose to boost his channel, who knows? There is a lot of noise on the internet. The problem is that many many people like to discuss noise, and get really heated and unfriendly about that. That is mind boggling in my opinion. That is why I don't understand what all the fuzz is always about in those linux threads. Why people are so aggressive against linux and linux advocates and experienced/convinced linux users.... everyone should draw their own conclusions why it is the way it is....