Interesting Video on Linux's Capabilities {Myth-Busting Linux}

I'm not referring to the distro developers. I'm referring to most if not all can't have a reasonable discussion about Linux. Scroll through the Linux Section of the Forum. it's an absolute mess.

There's threads about People trying to make the switch and regretting it. there's threads about why people think Linux is amazing compared to Windows, when in reality the thread is just a overall Windows hate thread. we actually have a moderator who is a Linux Enthusiast, who is in-capable of bashing Windows in ANY Linux thread. there is threads about "Why aren't I on Linux?" or how Windows broke their PC while installing Linux. when in reality it was Linux that may have broke their Windows Partition. and look around Youtube Comments on Linux videos, boy those comments will give you cancer.

There's too much non-sense in the Linux community as a whole. We need to accept each other, regardless of what OS we use. realistically that's the reason Logan has a "Your OS sucks" T-Shirt cause the Linux Community can't accept each-other. and this video is just one of the few examples that show this. there is alot of mis-information that is spread around, and there is too much blind hatred and animosity towards Windows, as if Microsoft murdered their families. if you love Linux, tell us your experiences, and keep Windows out the conversation, they are two different operating systems. and two different learning curves. thats all i would personally like to see from the Linux Community. Make it interesting.. give your experiences a dimension. that's all.

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You obviously never wandered into any Mir, Wayland, Unity, etc. discussion.

I think what I mean here is hating on Ubuntu users and not the distro

good job proving their point

Oh yeah there is an OSX community have you ever heard of Mac Rumours and tonymacs?

Pretty Much most PC gaming communities are Windows based, and there is stuff like mydigitallife as well.

Linux communities don't exsist? Guess there is no such thing as Phoronix......

Hell, there are android communities like phandroid.

I have a few counter-arguments to your points.

First let's define what a "Community" is.. here's a definition on Google.

  • There IS a Linux Community. wanna know why? because the damn Kernel is Open-Source. there are hundreds / thousands of distributions in existence. and each is backed by a People who have a Love for Linux. if there were no Community, then there would be no Linux. the same common definition applies to Windows & Mac OSX. there are Millions of people who buy Windows Based PCs and Apple Desktops / and Laptops. Why? because they like it. if they didn't, then it wouldn't exist.

The Great Malcolm X once said,

"If You have No Critics You'll Likely Have no Success."

The reason the community is toxic is because No one can accept each others tastes. in theory you can even apply this same comment to the world, Realistically No country wants to accept each other, because if they had any reasonable sense, We would talk things out instead of just shooting first or killing people to strike fear in others. and to continue on, the same comment could be applied to preference in Graphics cards. there are people that can't accept that you may like Nvidia, and there are people who can't accept that you like AMD.

Only way to stop the toxicity is to just accept that we are all different.

Also if you feel that this forum is Retarded, what are you doing here? No one is holding you on a leash. leave if you don't want to be here.

My final words to you, since you feel the need to call this community retarded, You must be retarded as well.. Word of advice my good sir, you being here. MAKES YOU APART OF THIS COMMUNITY.
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Maybe you should learn to relax and stop being obsessed with semantics. If you despise this community so much, then why stay? Nothing is stopping you.


I saw the Matthew Moore crap some time ago. I find it great that he tries to prove that Linux can have a virus infection by funding an infected .dll on his linux system that is impervious to such infection, as explained before.

The problem right now is superficiality. Matthew Moore, like many others, realizes that there is only one way to go, and that's open source. This is not a software fact, this is a general fact. Open Source is the new scientific method that the world needs, open source is the new political ethos the world needs, open source is the new business ethics standard the world needs, open source is just an intellectual evolution of mankind. He is struggling constantly with himself over that fact, and the thing he struggles with most, is the fact that he only scratches the surface.

Many linux aficionados, especially younger guys or guys that have only been using open source software or a couple of years or so, have no deep understanding of the logic of open source, and are still tied to the limited logic of consoleware. That leads not only to cray-cray videos like Matthew Moore's, but also to superficiality when it comes to discussing open source. This is notably a big problem on the TS forum right now in my opinion. There are a few threads concerning linux that are very popular in terms of number of hits, but they contain no practical or useful information, they are nothing but a superficial discussion that serves nobody, they are a testament of superficiality.

Now think about this y'all: superficiality and open source are diametrically opposed. The whole power of open source is the unlimited scaling of resources for the participants. Think about that also: people that use open source software, are not "users", but rather "participants". The truth is that concepts like that, are not superficial, nor can they be described or talked about in a superficial manner. Open source needs to be enjoyed to get get the whole experience. People that are not willing to go beneath the surface, cannot enjoy it, and should remain software console users, they should not discuss open source or linux, because they have nothing to add but superficiality and confusion. Those that do not see the wider scope of open source, should not concern themselves with it. That includes Matthew Moore, until he learns a thing or two about what he wants to talk about.

Then there is the fact that console-vendors are actively trolling media channels that advertise open source. This can clearly be seen on the TS forum. Since linux became a thing, massive trolling and bullying became a problem. People that participate in open source, have to be able to ignore that, have to be able to not give in to these idiots. A lot of these idiots will disguise themselves as "linux-afficionados" or "new linux users looking for info", just to try to discredit the main supporters of open source and to discredit the popular open source topics. In some markets, truth is just a commercial commodity, that's one of the reasons why more open source is needed... and open source will eventually kill this kind of commercial prostitution, and the console-vendors know it, and they fear it, that's why they even bother...


Then why stay? We are all idiots who are so far below you. Why dirty yourself with us peasants?


He said that this Community is retarded, so he must be retarded as well since he's apart of it.


You missed the entire point of my post. Swick. The entirety of it went right over your closed mind.

@swick ^

The amount of noise in this thread made me curious about the video.

What a terrible waste of my time.

He has an infected .exe and he concludes that linux got malware. Does he even know that linux uses a different executable format (ELF)?

Then he goes on showing the difference between a process and a program. Duh.

Btrfs uses on-the-fly defragmentation (it's called "autodefrag" in the mount options and it runs in the background as soon as it detects a fragmented file).

Then he goes on about UUIDs and block device files. Does he even know that you can change that in the fstab? Autogenerated fstab generally has the /dev entries as a comment. It's not that hard at all. There's also the "nofail" mount option if you are expecting a drive to not always be present in the system.

And people are posting dictionary definitions and arguing about how toxic the linux community is. Talk about thread derailing.

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I would just like to make the observational point that nobody was arguing up to this post.

This tread has gone too off rails go back to discussing the video or I will lock it. Make a new thread for the other debate.

This is exactly what we mean by toxic.Your comments are abrasive and therefore your case has not come across very well. People will be much more open to your viewpoint if you provide sound arguments and don't reduce yourself to personal insults.


Possibly a good idea.

I work in the Linux community, I go to a 20 story building filled with people working contributing to the Linux Community.
You are just soo ignorant I am not going to waste more than 2 lines on you.

Be the better man and make a write up on what it is like working in the Linux/FOSS world.

Let's have the best Linux community on the net.

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Shit after I am done with writing this article for work. I think I will.
I did have the wrong attitude there with my response.

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I know I am guilty of it too.

Thanks @Schwarz_Wolf for the content.

Content beats crap pay it forward