Intel Xeon 4th Gen - Confusing options


I am looking for an Intel Xeon Gold and I read their specs on intel ark but I am way more confused than I expected.

Intel Xeon Gold 5420+ vs 6418H

What is the difference between these 2? Why is the 24-core more expensive than the 28-core? Just the memory channel differences shouldn’t be more significant than 4 cores.

What’s up with the Y, H, +, and Y+ naming conventions?

I am looking for a very stable server CPU for 10 years mark, the 28-core should be enough and the accelerators that come with the 4th gen are exactly perfect.

The intent for this CPU is to run Red Hat 9.1 and to serve as a local compute server.

Thank you all!

Intel Ark has a comparison tool for specific models, but for a overall feel check the comparison tables that ServeTheHome made for the launch:

6418H: faster all core turbo, more cache, lower power, quad socket support, faster ram, no QAT/DLB, larger SGX.


Thank you very much!

On intel ark some CPU has default devices and are not present inside the on-demand table, does this mean these default accelerators are already activated?

If you compare this to the tables for EPYC they made, Intel continues in their campaign of ultimate confusion regarding SKUs.

And it’s getting worse over time, not just with Intel.

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For EPYC is still quite simple, F = Frequency, P = Single Socket, non-P = multi-socket.

But intel is quite challenging.

I got a response on another platform, the default devices are enabled without having to pay for “On Demand”, not 100% sure if this is true because then some Cpus would have quite a different spec on intel ark compared to the Sku table.

Thank you very much!

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