Reusing an old 2U Case, I wanted to use NVMES. Here is my solution.
Epyc 7302P 64GB Ram, HGST NVME 4tb
Reusing an old 2U Case, I wanted to use NVMES. Here is my solution.
Epyc 7302P 64GB Ram, HGST NVME 4tb
That’s pretty badass.
I think I have seen that screwdriver before - somewhere. Can’t quite put my finger on it
What 2U capable cooler do you have for your Epyc 7302P?
A Dynatron A38. Despite being so small, kept up with a 7443p perfectly.
Not horribly loud either inside a case, but it’s still definitely not living space quiet.
Thanks for that!
I so far failed to find a good cooling solution for my 2U racked Ryzen 5900X system. I am pretty happy with the whole thing except that it’s currently thermal limited.
Seeing an EPYC air cooled in 2U gave me hope that I may yet find the right thing.
Browsing the Dynatron website they have some interesting/exotic stuff. A little hard to find, but not unobtainium.
yep just cnc a new plate… np…
where do i buy a cnc laser cutter . it cant be that expensi… OH! MY FFOOOOoooooo, yeah!, erm…
do you take orders?
not actually ripping on your solution… its exactly what you need.
im laughing at the flippancy of oh! il just make one with this laser cuter i have here doing nothing at the moment…
that’s some cool toys mate.
Haha, I am a manufacturer of draft beer systems, custom and stock items. So to burn up some scrap is no big deal to me between sheets. Plus I am not that high volume where its running 24/7.
Hey, if you have 300k in machine tools might as well use em right?
I also have a mill for making firearms and firearm accessories/parts hahaha
Also what are you looking for? As long as I dont have to design stuff because I dont have time for that.
wasn’t really asking to place and order mate…
it was meant to be my reaction to the price of the kit to do it…
but cheers for the offer…
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