Implementation of a Monero Mining Browser

So, with all the buzz Coinhive is making (:wink: ).

I too got on my web advertising high horse and started thinking of a less sneaky platform for an ad-free internet.

I’ve been thinking why not implement a standalone browser that’s based off of all the major platforms currently available (Chromium and Firefox), and implement a browser level crypto-miner!

Just think about it. The user will only have a single instance of the miner active and it’ll be more efficient as the miner will run natively rather than through JS. Additionally the browser can properly distribute your mining contribution to only the tabs you’ve made visible, leading to a fair and standard metric for profit.

Ultimately there’ll be no need for the content provider to implement a ethical implementation of a miner, instead it’ll only have to be implemented once in the browser.

well the first thing is having a browser based off all the major browsers is most likely impossible since they differ so much in the way they do things
but the other part of your post yeah itll be great but how would it know who to send the coins to would it be sent to a Id the web site has that the owner has to setup somehow? or would it be a different way

I feel Google would never truly implement this into chrome as a majority of their revenue is from online advertising.

And the browser could get the wallet address of the website from a global immutable JavaScript variable and use a function hook to know whether or not the user is a mining supporter or a regular (ad target) user.

I know it’s a bit out there but it’d be the best way to get rid of annoying ads and provide websites with revenue from screen time, which’ll lead to more rich content in order to grab a larger share of user screen time.