Hey all,
Just wondering thoughts, but as I was making some changes to my network arrangement, I was reminded of @regulareel 's very sensible advice. I thought I’d remind myself, may even help others I really need to arrange at least a basic procedure for swapping out failed hard drives etc., as the day will most likely come, especially as I’m
rarely ON a bus, I’m at greater risk of being hit by one
Bus problem is the problem delegating a critical responsibility to only one person - in this case, us, with the sole responsibility of maintaining our home networks.
The bus problem arises when one unlucky day, we might get hit by a bus and die (knock on wood there) and now, no one else knows the various passwords and the technical know-how of maintaining our home networks. Potentially, we will lock our partner and family member out of our system.
You reduce the bus problem by training other people in the household, significantly reducing complexity of the computer and network systems and letting other people help with the responsibility of maintaining computer systems.
Thanks again reg