3 92mm fans. 82.5mm lenght x3= 247.5 so thy could use 100mm fans which i believe are 90mm in lenght. 90mmx3= 270mm. +40mm for the rest of the card 310mm. get a sexy backplate and make it tripleslot cooler.
Wouldn't the card need a backplate to keep it from sagging too much? Also, I think the extra fan is a bit superfluous seeing as the Twin Frozr cooler does a decent job alone. It also would not fit in a lot of cases.
yes i think it needs a backplate. but the r9 290 toxic doesn't have a backplate so it doesnt have to. the toxic is a pretty big and heavy card. i think every card needs a backplate cuz it looks so good! silince overclock r9 290x isn't really possible on low temps.
Why don't you just get a windforce 3 or toxic card? Twin frozer is made to only use 2 fans anyway, its a tall card instead of a long one. A 3 fan twin frozer wouldn't even fit in 90% of cases.
tall and long? i don't buy a card from gigabyte and i don't like the look of the toxic card. and the toxic doesn't have a backplate. the toxic is just a big cooler with stock pcb.