I'm i the only one who want this?

Why they don't make this? it's looks amazing:)



3 92mm fans. 82.5mm lenght x3= 247.5 so thy could use 100mm fans which i believe are 90mm in lenght. 90mmx3= 270mm. +40mm for the rest of the card 310mm. get a sexy backplate and make it tripleslot cooler.


There's no point.

What would the advantage be?

Better thermals?

Thermals are already good with that cooler already without the extension.

The cost to make it would far out weigh the advantages it would have on the market.

That and it looks too long for most mid tower cases.

i want it. EXTREME!!!!!!!!!!!

better cooling and sexy look? if you look in a hot place and you don't have money for a watercool set. 50$ and you have this.

the high end cards know run pretty hot when you oc them.

but most important it will be silince:)

Wouldn't the card need a backplate to keep it from sagging too much? Also, I think the extra fan is a bit superfluous seeing as the Twin Frozr cooler does a decent job alone. It also would not fit in a lot of cases.

yes i think it needs a backplate. but the r9 290 toxic doesn't have a backplate so it doesnt have to. the toxic is a pretty big and heavy card. i think every card needs a backplate cuz it looks so good! silince overclock r9 290x isn't really possible on low temps.

did someone noticed the bad edit?


Why don't you just get a windforce 3 or toxic card? Twin frozer is made to only use 2 fans anyway, its a tall card instead of a long one. A 3 fan twin frozer wouldn't even fit in 90% of cases.

Msi lightning has also 3 fans

i prefer the gaming series. look better:)

paint ftw:) i think i can do better but i can't run a editing program atm.

tall and long? i don't buy a card from gigabyte and i don't like the look of the toxic card. and the toxic doesn't have a backplate. the toxic is just a big cooler with stock pcb.