A NGO group I volunteer at as the ICT-person has currently a website. We currently have a website running using wordpress.
I was looking at some alternatives for our current hosting platform. Currently we are paying around 10e/month for the hosting plus the .fi domain on top of that.
Currently we have two websites in total, one of which isn’t managed by me. Since we are kinda somewhat two different organisations. That one is hosted on a free wordpress plan.
I was thinking of options which would make sense. I was thinking of both Linode and wordpress. Currently we are using about 14 megabytes of ram, so all the plans I have looked at are totally fine on that sense.
I was also thinking if it would be pheasable to also deploy a nextcloud instance if I end up going with linode. But I don’t think that would mkae much sense for us sadly, since that is the only value that we could actually use.
So, any suggestions? Hosting would have to be in the EU!
Good or bad experiences? For context we have been running wordpress since the beginning of the year 2021.
Edit: The reason I was talking about the second website was that I was thinking if it would be possible to simplify the management of events and news on those sites. And the montly visitor count won’t be even close to the thousands
Yeah, luckily we aren’t using plugins, but I disabled everything I could. …
I need to really check our contract if I can scan our site with OWASP ZAP, since it was chosen before I came to run these things.
Hey there! I’m not an expert in web hosting. But I recently stumbled upon some interesting tips about web hosting that might be helpful. Have you considered using a managed WordPress hosting service? They offer easy setup, security features, and automated backups.Another option is cloud hosting. They provide scalable resources and better control over your server. However, they require more technical knowledge. Just make sure to choose a hosting provider that offers EU data center locations to comply with your requirement. I hope this helps!