At the end of The Tek 0189, Logan said that we should establish some kind of Projekt with our overfloing energy.
I also think if we wanted we could do "bigger" things, due to the creative and motiviated minds in this community.
So if you have ideas write them down, and lets se what we can do with it !
Just gonna throw this out there, but I think if we can somehow create a P2P version of facebook that'd be cool.
That'd be the only way to ensure real privacy controls without having to sell your info to a 3rd party and then we could theoretically offset the cost of needing to run a server by just distributing it p2p like bittorrent.
There are obviously a few issues with this (like how do reference who's name is what instead of manually typing in an IP address, and what about routers? etc), but I think if we can hash out a real alternative to facebook that's safer and more secure that'd be awesome.
I'm willing to put the work in if other people have some good ideas.
what you want is a federated distributed network, they already exist.
Are a couple of examples.
Yeah i like the idea... which language will we pick? I'd suggest Java for obvious reasons
im dreaming a long time about building and selling my own pcs. maybe something similar under the name of the teksyndikate is possible.
for me alone it woud be to laborius for what i get out if it. also because there are so many people in this market selling pcs, the competition ist too hard when i have to do it as a sideline.
what really would thrill me is a fair pc.
a fair pc that is affordable and reliable, with a controlled production and concep that is not exploiting anyone, running linux et cetera ..
of course at first it wouldnt be anything like a "gamingmonster" but with time end efford come possibilities i think.
Well I have been learning java recently... Should work!
But I'm def gonna check out this
Well I'll be damned, I'll check it out
How about a VPN based on OpenPGP? That's an idea I've had in my head for a while anyway.