Ideas for new WiFi through Quantum Entanglement

Nah no need to say sorry dude. i was pretty sure you had my angle on this. your just helping people in broadening there perspective's by challenging there views.

Okay,ive come up with some ideas. We can use the communication patterns from fiber optics but with quantum entanglement.

Quantum entanglement may happen instantaneously but we cannot use it to transmit classical information (zeroes and ones). This is because quantum entanglement is only observable for otherwise random processes. We can show that quantum entanglement exists only if we measure both of the entangled particles and compare the results. If we measure only one of the particles we can only see that the result is random - which is the same for both non-entangled and entangled particles.

If I give you a random string of zeroes and ones, say 10001001001101100111 you can't tell if I gave you the original random string or one with zeroes flipped with ones (01110110110010011000). Or indeed if I've altered any of the zeroes and ones. You can also only tell that the two strings are corelated when you see both of the strings.

If you want to quote wikipedia:

As for quantum teleportation I'll just quote from the wikipedia entry on Quantum teleportation: "However, it does not immediately transmit classical information, and therefore cannot be used for communication at superluminal (faster than light) speed."

This is because the process of quantum teleportation itself requires transfer of classical information.

I've heard some new hypothesis' for transmitting data through quantum entanglement, I'm not entirely sold on the idea though no matter how cool it would be.

Personally I think the focus is a bit wrong in these cases as I'm sure there are ways to optimize the way protocols behave and how packages/data is handled on servers etc. Sure you can potentially only do so much, but at some point it's likely that it's a step that will be sorely needed.

you just dont get it, considering it's already been done you are wrong once again on all accounts.

as for the articles you refrenced if anything they go against your statement read them again properly this time and or atleast get your information from multiple sources to 1 cross refrence 2 make sure it is comprehesible in interpriting it so you don't not udnderstand it.

Perhaps I've tried too hard to explain the erroneous interpretation of quantum entanglement and (quantum mechanics in general) both You and Nibroc99 share. Trying to reconcile QM with our every day perception of reality is inherently wrong. One cannot understand QM in terms of every day reality. QM is such a radical theory that it requires a whole new perspective. QM is a pure mathematical model of certain experimentally verifiable physical phenomena - like the quantum entanglement. It is only when we attempt to interpret (explain) QM predictions in terms of our local reality where paradoxes arise - like the one of faster than light communication of entangled particles. QM theory itself neither forbids nor predicts nor requires faster than light communication. It does however clearly state that faster than light transmission of classical information using quantum phenomena like quantum entanglement is impossible. Faster than light communication beyond QM is still an open question of Physics.

Delayed choice quantum eraser - practical QM experiment showing just how hard QM is. Explaining results of this experiment in context of local reality would require time travel by transmission of information from the future to the present (this creates so many paradoxes that I wouldn't know where to begin) or absolute acceptance of Predeterminism.

"Trying to reconcile QM with our every day perception of reality is inherently wrong"

stop right there.

did you even read the articles i put forward? No. it's not like they disproved everything you have claimed so far. need i remind you that you are the one that has been using relativity to measure and quantify Quantum physics in the first place? you suggest quantum teleporation can only be done with the requirement of the classical information form (determined state) which is wrong... it is done with qubits which is quantum information as explaind above... this is just the start of where you are wrong. considering were trying to build a worldwide quantum wireless network that also uses quantum cryptography which requires the data to be in the quantum state in the first place for this cryptography to work (a qubit) which also has already been done.... billions upon billions of dollars dumped into making this work and getting positive results with institutes like DARPA and caltech for starters say's you are wrong....

you biggest problem is you need to drop relativity from your reasoning not me, quantum laws do not obey relativity

EDIT: also stop using wiki for everything you say... cross refrence for crying out loud, it give's you credibility throug confirmation. cause so far all i/we are getting from you i think this based on this information... which you have not confirmed at all. i on the other hand have confirmed all my claims through refrence to experiments and projects that test these theorys and confirm them