Hi im just looking at these two processors for my second pc build and im just wondering on which is better for gaming, recording and streaming sometimes all at the same time. I don't mind paying the extra if the i7 is a lot better and more future proof! I currently have an FX 8350 so im looking for the next big step up.
If anyone has any recommendations that are welcome!
Well, obviously the X99 CPU will be more powerful. But definitely not worth it for that usage. And there's no such thing as future proof in PC components... well, not counting my RAM sticks that I've had for almost 5 years.
I'd save some cash and go for a 4790K if you want the extra threads for recording and streaming.
What about a Xeon 1231- V3?
I say keep your 8350, maybe overclock it some.
8350 to 4690k isn't much of a difference.
5820k smacks the shit out of everything on the mainstream platform if you clock it at 4ghz, something which pretty much every chip can whilst running cool.
What @thelonewanderer said.
If you're looking for "the next big step up" as you said, it's probably the best to just wait for a new generation.
Ah, good point. Depends if they intend to overclock though. Presumably they do considering they were looking at the 4690k.
Hi guys, thank you all for your input!
The only reason I'd go x99 is if you can make use of quad channel ddr4. If the target app you are running doesn't handle or require memory usage like that... you won't be able to tell... in fact 4690k would be the hands down for the avg gamer.
wenn you want to do recording + streaming etc aswell, then i would recommend an i7 or Xeon E3
5820K will be great, but its basicly a bit overkill for gaming.
But yeah if you can afford it, without sacreficing on the gpu, then yeah why not?
4790K: this is basicly the best cpu for gaming atm, it comes with 4.4GHz turbo clock out of the box, and the extra Threads are ideal for streaming and recording, it also has an igpu, which give you the ability to utilize Qsync for streaming.
4690K: is basicly a great chip for gaming, however since you also like to stream and record, i think that its not the best choice in this scenario.
it does come with an igpu, which you could use for streaming, but the quality is less.
Xeon E3-1231-V3, this cpu is basicly your best bang for the buck, its just a few bucks more expensive then the i5-4690k, but this cpu comes with 4 cores 8 threads, which will be ideal for gaming + streaming, and some recording.
The downside of the Xeon E3 is that you cannot overclock it.
But the good thing with that is, that you can pair it with a cheaper mobo, and cheaper cooling. To save money.
I agree with @MisteryAngel , Intel CPUs are somewhat better for gaming due to their greater single threaded performance.
If you do serious video editing or 3D rendeing work then the 5820K is a great CPU with the extra cores, but just for gaming the 4690K is great. The 4790K is a decent compromise if you want to pay for it, due to extra threads for streaming and higher stock speeds (but it still only has 4 physical cores and if you plan to OC you may not notice the clock speed bump).
this is one hell of a broad comparisson... the 5820k will kick the living shit out of the i5 as it has 6 cores 12 threads whereas the i5 has 4 cores 4 threads... an i5 would overclock better by .2-.3ghz on average but when you compare 4 threads to 12 threads that silly amount isn't gonna do you any favors.
An i5 is a step sideways from an 8350 not a step up. You'll gain in gaming performance and lose in workstation type performance.
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Someone can correct me if I am wrong or outdated here, but I thought the i5 and i7 (excluding the x99 stuff) had a feature where you could use the built in gpu for on the fly compression/transcoding.
Wouldn't that be useful, or am I mistaken?
They do, and it's very effective.
Thats Qsync what i was talking about above. ☺
If you're gaming recording and streaming at the same time the i7 5820k is the way to go.
I'd say it depends. $ per performance they are about equal. If you upgrade to anything at least make the upgrade to a Xeon E3 V3. Upgrading the FX to an i5 isn't really an upgrade. I'd get the i7 if you can stretch. In most cases you may however not notice the difference however in heavy tasks you will. Get a decent cooler and overclock it a gigahertz and then you have a beastly cpu... The cheapest X99 motherboards go for around $160 and ram has come down in price so at the end of the day you'd only spend around $100 more on a X99 sysyem versus a maxed out Z97 one.
Also keep in mind that going with the Xeon could mean a better GPU setup...
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