I want to add a line to my i3 config file that opens up the terminal on one specific workspace. The issue is I already predefined some workspaces, and assigned classes to them.
Here is the quick PASTEBIN of the relevant part of my config.
I want from i3 to run a terminal on my $workspace6 upon Login.
What I tried (just for the sake of testing):
Will try that out, thanks.
But what should I name the <instance> and <title> by?
Just random names? I’m guessing they have a use, I just don’t see where.
You can check the window instance with xprop. The first value of WM_CLASS(STRING) is the instance and the second is the class. Title is what ever is written on the window title. You don’t have to use both instance and title, I just put both of those options in the same example.
I am trying to think a clean way of setting instance or window title on gnome-terminal but haven’t come up with one. gnome-terminal should have the --name= and --class= parameters but they didn’t seem to work for me.
Alright I will try to work it out. Thanks for the replies.
P.S. HERE is the only connected thing that I found, but I can’t make much sense out of it. Maybe it will help you.