I want a digital assistant

So I’m lazy. Really lazy. If I have to use google calendar I ain’t doing it by hand even if it is the most useful thing my phone has.

But… I sure as fuck don’t trust google. I don’t trust amazon or apple either. MyCroft isn’t even a useable thing, they’re too worried about gimmicky crap like blockchain to actually work on the bot itself, and the main three are potential security hazards, not to mention surveillance devices. I guess I trust Siri the most of the three, but Siri has the least amount of development and options. The other two will just start buying things at random if someone hacks my TV.

So… What one do I buy? Should I even bother? Are there other solutions out there? My optimal goal is something I can use like the computer from star trek and if I go places I can pack it up with me.

I have used the google 35 dollar puck and actually like it a lot, but it worries me that its spying on me.

Wat do?

Why not actually hire a “digital” assistant?

A digital assistant that DOESNT spy?

You sure do like things that don’t exist : P

Part of the reason Mycroft is worried about encryption is because you can exploit any digital assistant to track anyone. Just ask the people at amazon : D.


you can spin your own if you wanna spend the compute time for it. i remember @wendell mentioning something about it and how he was gonna add more ram because he didnt want it on a drive XD

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