I think Tek Syndicate should start a Linux mentor scheme

Basically, I have shit tons of problems with using Linux; stuff simply doesn't work and I don't know how to get around or fix the problems. The problems are often too small for me to bother making a topic about and I just need an experience person to fire questions at when I have a problem, who can also explain to me WHAT THE HELL I'M TYPING INTO THE COMMAND LINE.

So yeah, simple idea - I'm sure it wouldn't be too difficult to find an easy way of implementing a mentor scheme, we could all use Telegram or Steam for it and if there was just a thing we could tick, like experienced/not then be paired up with someone.

Personnally I feel this is all that can help me right now. I'm doing my GCSE's and I don't have time to be pissing around with a stubborn OS, I need someone who can teach me directly, not a bunch of people all firing answers at me in a forum right now. I'm sure there are many others who are struggling and I legitimately think that this sort of mentoring scheme could really help new users.

Tried the IRC?

Read your Wikis! Also, this is the way of Linux: Learn by screwing up over and over and over again. Well, that's the way I learned how to do things...It would be nice to have someone telling me what to do, but that's no fun.

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the problem with something like this is its easily abused. i could go on and check that i am a linux pro but really i am barely past noob status. or someone like @wendell could easily go on there check that he is a noob needing help and then troll who ever he gets connected to. your better off just posting your problems in the forum and letting the masses help you. or google search, that is my first stop

Yep @Pyroven we have a dedicated TekLinux channel in EFnet:


Why don't you hang out on IRC @SpaceCat? You should come visit my neck of the woods :P