I think I was brought into a scam party tonight?

So maybe @tkoham, master of bullshit, can chime in here, but I am pretty sure I was rung in to a scam thing tonight?

The other day I picked up those desks. Well, the guy I met is in with some people at a company called LIFE Leadership, which I didn’t know the name of the damn company until 10 minutes ago when he’s been pulling me towards Jargain the last 3 days.

So ok Aremis how is this a scam?

Well for starts, the way I was introduced to it was its a financial education firm. Its also an LLLP, which I’ve never heard of, but more on that later.

So basically what they do is pull you into word of mouth advertised meetings held at a church, someone’s house, or some easy place to have a meeting in, fill it with as many people as possible, try to flash and amaze you with numbers and statistics, and then for a measely 200 bucks you’ll know the secrets of the universe from greats of the world such as… Chris Brady! Or Orrin Woodward!

Who the fuck are these people.

Near as I can hell? Marketing agents. Or investors. Or both. Or neither.



So I met Chris Brady tonight at this thing in a small house in the middle of northern grand rapids. He was nice. And not that pushy, not as pushy as the guy I met the other day. I’ll call him Bob. So During this meeting Bob is trying to bring me to meet these people. I think he has a general idea now that I’m not really buying any of this? But their goal is to impress you. Marketing… Yeah aight. And I’ll admit, I was impressed. A little. SEO was certainly good.

Orrin wasn’t there. But a short google I find this stuff.

Ok whats MonaVie?

Ok my grandma was buying literal crates of this shit years ago. Aight. Whats quixtar?


Oh, its amway. And the world headquarters of amway is down the street. I can’t find anything that says what quixtar is, but I assume its something to the tune of Alphabet for Google.

Amway is like Avon, or at least it is locally. World wide they make everything. Oil, refinery equipment, makeup, electronics, all sortsa shit. Basically I watched Mr Robot while amway was buying a city. Literal ECorp only a few miles away.

Well uh. Ok. Scattered info, but I’m really tired.

So anyways they wine and dine you on this stuff and send you a free book and some lectures you can listen to. And at this meeting I’m told that this 200 dollar box that holds the secrets to life is almost the same as what I got for free.

Uhhh, so basically what was said was that the green box is teh same as the free red box but its 200 bucks. Aight red flag #9 billion at this point for me. I’m already sketched out by this being in a house, which their explanation was that adverts on TV, radio, the net, they all get turned off by adblocks or muting. So they sell like ting via word of mouth. But with the random bullshit being thrown out tonight I’d think I’d at least hear of these hyper successful people coming to town on the news or something???

I’m getting off track. There were a lot of slip ups in the presentation. For example the guy wanted to make an example of what a company like them could be making. He threw out a number, 100 billion. Not everyone was paying attention and those who weren’t, the 6 other people not in on it (this was a room of easily 30 people, 6 or 8 of which were paying attention to it, the others were like dressed up and all jabbering over texts) were all of a sudden hearing “100 billion” and someone said “Thats a lot of money you have!” and the presenter kinda stopped, looked at the back of the room, someone looked up at him wide eyed, and he continued with that as his operating number.

There were other examples similar to that, but that was the biggest one.

Next, bob sent me this website when we met.


Mainhomepage… No ok. That was another flag, right? Who fucks up with that. Obviously it was the example prompt, whoever set up the site clearly copied what was in the text box, saw the green checkmark of “Site available”, thought they bought it, and hit “Continue Purchase” without really thinking about it because they needed the site up.

I didn’t know the name of the fucking company. It literally doesn’t say LIFE Leadership anywhere on the page. And I’ve been on my phone the last few days, and they push you to only use your phone with this, like super fucking hard, and probably expect you won’t notice the site name?

Uhhhh huh. So heres the “main site”


Its the same site.

You what.

So I did a whois on the mainhomepage.


Martin Spusta?


Oooook. Hasn’t posted for a year. Theres not really anything else? This might be him?


Buuuuut I have no idea. Theres no other info here.

This has to be a scam, right? Clearly. Theres no way that this is real. When I met Bob I told him after he described the whole thing to me that it sounds like a pyramid scheme. Like super hardcore sketchy shit. His 1:1 response was that “Jobs like McDonalds are pyramid schemes too! The owner of the store gets paid so much more than the managers or the floor workers!” And like… Yeah I guess, but this is LITERALLY buy my company shit, work with us to advertise it, we’ll pay you, and you earn money by learning how to do what we do.

Just give us 200 bucks and your life is changed forEVER.

Yeah. Ok.

Sure buddy.

I’m going to bed.

PS: Oh, and an LLLP.

From what I understand, you only pay to the government what you put into your company during the year. So if you invest in your workers you pay taxes based on that. If you get your workers to invest in you, AND make some money the same way so they don’t demand money from you, AND you get more 200 dollar payments for books you already give out for free, you earn moneyf doing basically nothing. Which is also what they advertise at these meetings.

It also helps if your angel investor / co-founders are from Amway, a multinational ECorp like business that once you’re at Wolf of Wall Street levels of business administration, will let you do whatever the fuck you want. You know.

Because money doesn’t matter to them.

And since you only have to pay a few thousand a year on a business you make 40X or more on your taxes, no worries.

Ok. NOW I go to bed.

idk broda what if they were just trying to butter your bread?


I’m confused by few points

  1. All of this for desks?
  2. How much are you asking from what exactly?

Or is this just some pyramid detour completely unrelated to these desks, and you are willingly listening this kind of stuff? and if so, what do these hope to gain from you, just that 200?


I would just NOPE! My way out of the whole mess- seems sketchy af, no genuine reason for such complexity.

Would not pass go… Would NOT pay $200…


Seems like this is just the bite. Everywhere the bite costs some low amount which seems reasonable. Once you bite they try to make you lure more people to bite too. So yes it’s a scam.

I have a thread of selling desks. I picked a couple up the other day thats how I met bob.

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I’m aware of that lol.

I neglected to mention, because it was 4AM at posting, that when I was a kid and I’d get really sick I’d obsess over weird shit because I had nothing else to do. And one year it was those shitty infomercials for magic bullet, little giants, excercise shit, this sorta self help crap. I memorized them, then later I watched what other people thought of them, how they reacted, what words were used to carry conversation over bumps.

Same formula.

At that, this seems to be some amway employee’s unhappy with their 6 figure wages.

that’s just classic MLM fam

don’t @ me next time


lol MLM?


When I was in my 20s, I was approached by a bunch of hot chicks to join some MLM cult. I drank their free booze, got some play with the brunette one then took off, never gave a penny.


Yeah, they got a good chunk of the cast of Smallville. Surprisingly Lana Lang was the smarter one.

they want $200. it’s a scam. MLM for sure

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Hi i’m from the vector corporation. Would you like to buy a very nice knife set?


Idk if it was vector Corp. but my brother and cousin sold knives. My cousin has it easier as he knew rich people.

its was cutco for a long time, then they got exposed and fined and they started using other names to mask it. Last I knew it was vector but who knows now.

Free booze tho, so in other words winning!