I swear HDMI delivers better colors than other inputs

Over the years across multiple different panels, I’ve noticed HDMi seems to have better color output than other connectors without adjusting any color settings on the driver or panel end. Looking at my current panels (XL2730Z & GW2765HT) it also seems the signal itself is marginally more crisp. I get the same result regardless of the quality of the cable.
(Even compared to to DP)

Is it something as simple as me being unaware of additional processing with an HDMI signal or is there something else going on?

Quality really only defines cable length because HDMI is digital. a $5 HDMI cable vs $1000 HDMI cable would perform exactly the same even when overclocking your monitor.

I would verify that your monitor is not adding its own color flair. It could be treating HDMI as a “media” style input and just making the color pop a little bit better.


I mostly included that bit to avoid people saying “hur dur, don’t use dollar store cables”

Different brands, monitors and TVs, higher and lesser quality

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I’d be interested to see if anyone else noticed this / will notice this now or if I’ve just happened to only look at screens where this holds true

This exactly. The monitor/TV using a limited color range + the video card configured to output in full range causes the image to have more “contrast” (idk if this is the correct term). What I’ve also seen is bright and dark colors becoming less distinguishable.


Do you perhaps use an nvidia card? I know some time back the drivers defaulted to limited colour space, not sure if it was all ports or just some, so maybe HDMI is not.limited and others are…? Worth checking. It re-limits it every time.you update the drivers if they are still doing this.


Other than that right now I can’t think of anything. But for me HDMI has no better anything over DisplayPort or DVI which I use simultaneously, for different monitors granted but the DVI was previously HDMI and still no different. I use an AMD card so am unaffected by the colour space problem.

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