Ok, to start off with, I have no idea where to put this, since it's really random, so bare with me.
Alright, so as most/everyone knows, today/yesterday was Christmas (depending on where you live). In Toronto (where I'm from), December 26th is Boxing Day, which is basically Black Friday (lots of sales on electronics and the likes).
I'm expecting a lot of people to be throwing out either broken electronics (which I will try to fix), OR working electronics which they consider "outdated" or "old", and I want to snatch those up. Now, how you may be thinking? Well, by going door-to-door, leaving an ad (a letter with my name, contact info, and what I'm looking for), in their mailbox! I live in a fairly good neighborhood, and I expect a lot of people to have purchased new electronics within the past 2 weeks (mainly Dec 25 and 26th), and be either storing their old shit, or throwing it out soon.
So, my ideas of what will be on the ad are as follows:
-Buying the electronics for super cheap from them (not telling them the price)
-I'll gladly pick it up from them
-If you can't bare to get rid of the broken electronic, I can fix it for you, at a cost
-By selling/donating it to me, I will repurpose it, to keep it out of the landfill
-Include contact details at the bottom of the page
-Maybe say how if I'm donated free electronics, I can expand my learning of circuits and stuff?
- I want Desktops, Laptops, Cellphones, Tv's, monitors, and that sort of stuff, however, if they have something else in mind that they want to get rid of, they can call/email/text me.
So... yeah. That's basically the jist of what I want the "ad" to consist of. Preferablly, have everything point form, well written, and very convincing, making people want to give me their old crap lol. Now, I'm wondering if any, very intelligent person/people on this forum can make me an ad like that? I tried for about an hour to come up with a convincing ad, but I failed really bad, so that's why I'm asking for help from you forums members.
P.S: If you live in a dense, middle/upper class neighborhood, you may want to do the same thing that I'm planning, to score some electronics for cheap or free. Last month, I managed to get 2 Mac's from 2006 for leaving a note with my contact info at someone's door, saying I wanted to learn about electronics, which somehow convinced them to donate them to me. Score!
Thank you forum members, and happy holidays/Merry Christmas! :D