I need laptop suggestions

Good day guys and gals

My laptop recently died on me. Ive been borrowing my brothers older laptop for a little while now and I dont think that my computer can be repaired. I need suggestions for a laptop that i can use for Software Development that will last me a good long while. I basically want somthing that preforms well and is Very Durable, and light weight


EDIT: forgot to mention i live in canada

Pick one

Also budget?


1000 Canadian Rubles (dollars)

Also did you need a GPU for gaming?

i dont game on the go very much anymore, its a distraction from learning Programming

well probably one of these then I guess

i7 5500U + 360M 800

i7 6500U + 965M 900

Otherwise look into the 2 in one laptops, or maybe a surface depending on it's price

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