I need good movies. NOW!

i need good movies right away. won't have internet for a couple of days and i've emptied my movie folder of "legally" downloading films. i need it yesterday

More specific? Like genre?

My little pony?

Stalker: The great Soviet post apocalyptic film

Brazil: Terry Gilliam's insane take on 1984

Paprika: The anime that inspired Inception.

A boy and his dog: Major influence on Fallout and a apocalyptic film with a very twisted sense of humor


i'm in to action,sci-fi,comedy and stuff like that. prefferably 1970 or later

I thought Chernobyl Diaries was pretty good. Typical Russia movie lol 

Lone Survivor - pretty good, IMO.

Transformers: Age of Extinction - Actually was really good.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I, II, and III - Can't go wrong with the classics.

Star Trek (2009) - Great adaptation by J.J. Abrams

Star Trek Into Darkness - The sequel to the 2009 hit.

Out Cold - Has always been a favorite of mine.

Army of Darkness - Classic --> 'Nuff said.

Ironman, The Avengers, X-men - All great movies.

Mix of old and new:

  • Network (amazing film - thought provoking, but entertaining)
  • A Separation (foreign film - Iranian - very good)
  • The Deer Hunter (beast of a film, all star cast)
  • Perfect Sense (Romantic stuff, bring other person)

The lonely man:


Dredd 2012 remake, Edge of Tomorrow, Elysium, I Robot, Jackass Presents Bad Grandpa, Pacific Rim, Red Dawn, any of the Die Hard series except for the last release (way too much action), James Bond series, Star Trek and the new remakes, Star Wars and the TV series if your a Star Wars nut though Star Wars Rebels is made for kid friendly IMO compared to The Clone Wars, The Fifth Element, Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit, Tron, Tron: Legacy, White House Down, World War Z, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit, After Earth.

For Anime I got Ghost in the Shell and Sword Art Online. 

TV Shows I got Defiance (the game is meh), Firefly (can't wait for the MMO and you must watch the movie after watching all of the shows), Almost Human (sad that it only had about 12 or 13 shows)



Holy Mountain x.O

The Hurt Locker

No Country for Old Men

Godzilla vs MechaGodzilla

The Conversation



Solaris (russian subs 1970s)

THX 1138



Firefly was great I didnt know they were considering a game!

Here's a few off the top of my head (and from skimming my movie collection) that if you haven't seen, you should:


Anything by Mel Brooks, UHF, Billy Maddison, Happy Gilmore, Bulletproof, Half Baked, Dead Man on Campus, Southpark movie, Dirty Work, Super Troopers, Anchorman, Wedding Crashers, Taladega Nights, Old School, BASEketball, Officespace, Swingers, The Big Lebowski, This is the End, Cornetto Trilogy, Paul, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Ghost Busters, Back to the Future Trilogy, The Princess Bride 


Boondock Saints, Dark Knight Trilogy, Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace (just to get the info), Skyfall, V for Vendetta, Blade, Blade 2, Equilibrium, Bad Boys, Pacific Rim, Dredd, The Marvel Movies (from Iron Man on), Hellboy, Hellboy 2, Evil Dead/Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness, Batman Year One, Dark Knight Returns 1 & 2, Battle Los Angeles, Indiana Jones Trilogy, Die Hard, Die Hard 2, The Terminator, Terminator 2, X-Men First Class, X-Men Days of Future Past, Robocop (1987), Total Recall (1990), Predator, Serenity, The Thing (1982)


Reservoir Dogs (or most Tarantino flicks), The Departed, Donnie Darko, American Psycho, The Shining, Dr. Strangelove, Drive, Unforgiven, A Clock Work Orange


2001: A Space Odyssey, Blade Runner, Star Trek The Motion Picture, Star Trek 2 The Wrath of Khan, Brazil, 12 Monkeys, Moon, They Live



And I cannot wait for it. The series was wonderful and I like how they mixed the western cowboy with a Sci-Fi theme.

Deer Hunter, good call.

Jesus, The Holy Mountain.  That movie made me feel like I was on something.

thanks everybody. really. i think ive got enough movies to fill the void for avengers 2


You might look into series to watch instead of movies, as one good length series can be hundreds of hours, and even the shortest ones will be longer than a movie.


Anyway, here are some of my top movies. I don't really like the idea of sticking to a genre(s) since if you like it, then you like it. Label it how you want, what matters is how much you like it. That said, I will try to include as many sci-fi and action/adventure movies that I can, but I don't know that that will be many. I left out anime though. I can include anime movies/series if you want me to.

A Scanner Darkly

Captain Phillips

Chasing Amy (as well as any other Kevin Smith movie)

Dallas Buyer's Club

Fight Club

Funny People


Good Will Hunting (love this movie)

Gravity (got a lot of hate, but I loved it. Beautiful movie, and just good in general)

Hard Candy


How to Make Money Selling Drugs (documentary, but still very good watch)

Hesher (this movie is great imo)

Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus

In Time (I didn't love it, but many did)

John Dies at the End (reminds me of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas)

Kung Fu Hustle (live action, Chinese, comedy, action)

Lost in Translation (romance, but I personally love it)

Much Ado About Nothing (one of my favorite plays by Shakespeare, and the film adaptation with Kenneth Braughn is great)

Now You See Me


Pacific Rim


Say Anything (another romance, but a classic)


The Aviator

The Graduate

The Lego Movie

The Pianist

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

The Wolf of Wallstreet

This Is the End

V for Vendetta


What About Bob

The Riddick series, the Star Wars series, the Transformers series (another one that gets a lot of hate, but I liked them a lot), LotR series.

I also love animated superhero movies like Superman & Batman Apocalypse and Flashpoint Paradox.

one can never have enough movies to watch