I Need a 300-450 Dollar Simple Gaming Build

I am trying to build my first gaming rig and am on a budget. If any of you have a favorite build or part I would like to know. 

Also final question should I buy the parts as i go or wait and buy it all when I am ready. I am a compulsive buyer so it is harder for me to save.




Maybe ?

If you want to go really cheap you can go without the case.


you could also go with the phenom 965 and the 7770 for around the same price - don't know which option is better

Might I suggest my build? I didn't have money for a HDD but your budget is 450 so you can throw in a WD Blue 500GB for about $50.

  • CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black
  • GPU: Sapphire HD 7770 1 GB
  • RAM: Mushkin Blackline Enhanced 4GB (1 X 4GB) Clocked at 1600
  • MOBO: Asrock 970DE3/U3S3
  • Case: NZXT Source 210 Black
  • PSU: Antec VP-450w
  • HDD: (Note, I didn't buy it. I have a spare) Western Digital Blue 500GB 7200RPM

This build will land you right at or around $450. May be a few bucks over, depending on shipping.

I have already chosen a case (so this will not be added to the price beacause i got it as a gif)

Fractal design define R4 w/ window

i dont know how you can do it i find it hard just keeping it up $1500 let alone $300 i tip my cap to you sir

What a coincidence


You can then get a decent monitor KB and mouse with your budget and be set.

Here is my choice based on you suggestions and Logan's vid

Case- Fractal Desing Define R4 Titanium Grey - Gift

Motherboard- ASRock FM2A75M-DGS FM2 AMD A75 - 50$

Storage- Western Didgital WD Blue 500gb 7200RPM- 50$

CPU- AMD A10-5800K Trinity 3.8GHz -130$

Disk Drive- ASUS DRW-24B1ST - 20$

PSU- Antec VP-450 450W ATX 12V v2.3 -40$

this all comes out to be about 340$ from my pocket.

after this i will purchase a Radeon HD 7770 Ghz for better framerate.

Am I forgeting anything?




340$ w/ case but hey it looks pretty even if you put it on your desk

Great post Scrap. Honestly, the thread should be over after you mentioned this video. All recent prices. Video released yesterday.