Hi, I'm from UK to begin with and I am in market for portable laptop, as I look around I see all kinds of them, some better than other and more pricey than other...Now my target is sub 1000pounds or so...
My goal was to find a laptopt that has...
Between 11"-13" at least a 1080p Screen.
Has CPU equal to an intel anniversary dual core beasty thing...
8-16 GB's of ram whatever I can get...
Hey, if I can find one with decent GPU.
SSD is a must!
Problems I have run into are lack of ram, slow HDD's, good GPU pointless screen etc...and even if you manage to get it right it costs 1.5k...
Couple of days back Logan mentioned in the tek something that caught my attention, You can get Linux on Googles pixel Now that actuly fits most of my criteria So the question is would that be a poor choice or actuly not the worst one, I'm also open to suggestions.
You might be able to get the price dropped a couple hundreds bucks if you mention that you won't be using windows on it. Some places do it some don't
If you are going to be just using it for day to day web browsing and general productivity(word processing, emailing, coding) I'm sure there would be something from the chrome book range that would suit your needs and price point. Just remember to install your favourite Linux distro as soon as you get your hands on it. If you are really set on getting a half decent GPU in a laptop, be prepared to pay through the ass for it. Mobile GPUs aren't coming down in price anytime soon.
Sure I can try, there is just endless models for no good reason and non of them are any good. :D I like the aproach of this is "the" shit and this is shit and pay acordingly, rather than have a mixed product of both and have no real outcome, exept money loss from purchasing half arsed product.