I am looking for a cheap GPU to run H1Z1 so I can play with my play with my friends online.
Just the standard factory power supply and anything under $100
That doesn't say much, does it have a PCI-e power adapter on it? Really I wouldn't stress a pre-built PSU as most are just crap.
well I tested a EVGA geforce GTX 770 gpu and it ran cs go 1080p everything else was factory
CS GO isn't exactly a taxing game on the GPU. Can't remember if h1z1 is gpu or cpu bound.
What @Streetguru is trying to say is that if the GPU isn't good and doesn't have the necessary connectors, then what anyone says here becomes moot until that is fixed
GTX 950 or 960 would probably be best depending on budget.
You'll probably want a 360 or a 750ti then, look for benchmarks, 360 might live longer as it potentially has better DX12 support
What resolution are you running and at what refresh rate? Think long and hard about whether that is the only game you want a gpu for. If it is then yeah a 750 ti would be a good choice if you can find one really cheap. And by cheap I mean at about the 100-110 price point max.
1) Dell power supplies are shit, I recommend fixing that (I had a dell XPS 720, over the 2 years of warranty I got with it I had 5 PSU's and 3 motherboards that the PSU took with them replaced in it).
2) The GTX 770 that you tested should play H1Z1 just fine.
Id say wait for a new GPU HBM 2 will be on both Green n Red cards which will be in 2016 if you can put away a few bucks each month until then im sure youll be able to get a top tier when they release
cool thanks
If you want VR which is coming Q1 2016, I would recommended a GTX980 or better. I would wait for nvidias new pascal hbm card 1080ti to come out mid 2016, it's supposed to be a beast.
I'd go minimum 980ti if you are going VR.