Blockquote HYBRID ( BROWNIE ) CAKE HYPERLINK \l ârecipeâ ”RECIPE§ { the secret is 1d6 flour to 1 part sugar for type of pastry, when making brownie @ gpa of 2 for cake; to create perfect cake, use (1/5) of ingredients, except for cake flour which is used @ 100% }: this is proportional to equation for perfect religion is @ 1/5 of Islam @ 5 gpa vs. 1/3 of Islam @ 3 gpa, while 1/1 gets a gpa of D grade, same as cake recipe, where 1/1 is a D grade }. But, do not forget that amount of baking powder is (gpa)x that of 1 packet of yeast in flour: use 1 box of cake flour ~ 1 similar volume of flour for bread, but for cake use only 1/2 of flour. The amount of butter and cooking oil is proportional to each other; and, 2x of each for 2 boxes of flour: for each box, you should use half a bar of butter or 1 bar for 2 boxes; and, do NOT forget to add baking powder, which is slightly more than yeast, which if used, below. And, note that baking soda and baking powder are different, where baking soda will give a soap taste; so, make sure NOT to use baking soda in the recipe, below. And, the previous [not referring to above but in earlier Version, which is simplified with simple arithmetic equation] (previous in previous V #) recipe was or/and is overly complicated & does NOT work without too many calculations, which are reduced and simplified in update. So, itâs better to just follow the instructions on the back of the box, but @ grade of 2 GPA, add only (HALF of each ingredient {but, @ grade of 3 GPA, add only (THIRD: 1/3 of each ingredient, except the cake flour which you use all of it that being the cake flour, but all the other ingredients you reduce based on quality that you want the end product, such as half the recommended butter for a gpa of 2 for your brownie when it is finished, but use only (1/5) the recommended butter for perfect brownie with gpa of 5:: same rule, when grading Islam, meaning for gpa of 5 for Islam, keep only (1/5) of rules of Islam & (remove / alter) the other 4/5 of the rules):: same with the cake recipe}, which in understandable terms is (1d6) proportion of all purpose flour for 1 part sugar, where # rolled will determine type of pastry to make and bake, to make the cake or/and bread flour/batter, use also minimum of 1 egg but may use 2 or more, depending on total volume of various types of flour; (1/8) bar of butter rather than (1/4), if you donât want it moist, else use more butter; equivalent amount of oil that is ~ portional to butter that directions on back of box say to add should be ~ to amount of butter, which should be portional to oil added, and vice versa, for I donât recall what the instructions recommend to add, but whatever it says, add only half the amount of the oil, as you donât want it, the cake, too greasy; and, also, whatever amount of water it says to add, for that also, add only half of what it says, as you donât want the batter to have too much water or oil, reason for the excess time to bake for 32 minutes which you want to reduce to 16 minutes but to reduce bake time to 16 minutes you need to reduce the ingredients to flour by 50%, so by decreasing the amount of water & oil by 50% in batter, you, also, decrease bake time, proportionally) But, IF you use/mix 2 different cakes, follow instructions of both for the cake batter, before baking, which should be (1/2) the time that is specified in the back of the box, meaning RATHER THAN baking the cake batter for 32 minutes which is too much since you do NOT want to burn it, bake it for ONLY 16 minutes @ same temperature as specified on back of the box, is the only discrepancy or difference between my recipe & that on the back of the box. When finished, cover it with a sheet of aluminum foil to keep it moist, let it cool for 1 hour before eating piece of it, but donât forget to wrap it: it should remain fresh for days, but 1 week @ most, and not more. THEN, you can either cut it into LARGE squares, or serve it & you can begin to eat it. If you donât wish to eat it right away, put a plate over it or wrap it up, and eat it later. Yum ? And by the way, cakes have lot of sugar, so if you donât want sugar in your diet then skip this recipe, since cakes arenât healthy. Healthy? Nope. No, itâs NOT healthy. Itâs junk food. But, if you want to make moist but not too moist hybrid brownies, rather than regular brownies, then use (1/2) dough flour from brownie & other (1/2) flour from another type of cake flour such as from chocolate or blueberry cake box, to give it a different taste. NOW, returning back to my super easy homebrew 1 paragraph or 1 page rpg system HYBRID, where everything in my rpg revolves around THE central equation X^LOG10(X), where X is some # @ some unit of magnitude used by HYBRID rpg, and it seems to be used by many other rpgs, such as GURPS, D20, HERO, Dragonball-Z, Yu-Gi-Oh, D&D, Synnibarr, & MARVEL. And, physics similar to that of Aberrant, RIFTS, & Mage-the Ascension. And, the mechanics similar to Synnibarr @ C4, HERO @ IQ or C3, GURPSâ total @ C3, & Fuzionâ @ C2 or C3. In terms of dots, Aberrant is like BESM rpg. And, 0 to 30 in Action is @ C2 in Hybrid rpg.