I’ve moaned about a friend lately, who still uses XP.
Thought I’d mention that when he has a computer problem, he thinks Defrag’ing his 1TB SSD will help it. I’ve told him not to, but he claims that as there are no moving parts, how can defrag’ing wear it out.
None the least because Windows XP doesn’t have AHCI support out of the box and has no support for trim either. XP is just about the worse OS to run an SSD on.
@MichaelLindman I think he had a 120GB SSD which I installed around 4 years before hand (and a 1TB HDD), then just cloned it onto the 1TB and adjusted the partition size. Worked fine…I think!
Jeez, just figured out how to quote - does that mean I don’t have to do the @Novasty thing?
Anywho, yes. Many times, but like I say, he’s very stubborn. He’s a lovely guy otherwise, always keen to share his knowledge, also taught me how to play the guitar when I were younger and more free.
@thevillageidiot Don’t ask - he just needed more capacity and I suggested a large SSD. He was quite happy to spend £300 per SSD, 1 as primary and another as secondary.
Absolutely, I suppose it’s up to me whether I replace in good time or let it go and fail!
I’ve got an old Intel SSD too, gave it to my parents recently after I had used it for 6+ years. Did a test and it was only down to 80% after all that time.
Just dug out an email I got from him, after I advised against defrag:
interesting, but slightly like a load of ‘rubbish’ (harsher word used) perhaps … if something is solid state there are no moving parts, the only movement is of electrons along conductive paths.
…I don’t quite see how multiple writes and rewrites shortens the life of the units, it is after all exactly what happens in RAM chips or maybe the cache areas of processors repeatedly throughout the life of a computer with similar materials and processes being used.