How to setup a LAN game with a network switch?

Tomorrow I have a LAN party but I am not sure how easy to is going to be to setup. I have a 10 port network switch and no router. Do I just connect the machines to it and the LAN game will appear in peoples lobbies or what?

Could anyone recommend any good LAN games and would it be possible to get Dawn of War working over LAN since it only has an online mode?

is the switch managed or unmanaged.


then you have to have something to manage the switch. a cheap router should work or a pfsense box.

Really? Because my router is the other side of my house

Run a really long cable

yeah a unmanged switch operates transparently. needs something to tell it what ip address is who and the such. do you have a cheap computer to throw pfsense onto?

Nothing with more than one ethernet port

that will work. unless you need to pass internet through it?

Im assuming for the online only game he would.

So if I use one port of my switch for the router and then connect the rest to the switch it should all just work?


In theory I believe so

It's always good to try test it before the LAN

If I didn't use a router would the game fail to detect the other machines, since my friend just told me he only has a 5m ethernet cable. I have seen posts online that an unmanaged switch works fine for less than 10 people, is this correct?

Go old school and manually assign IPs.

So I just go into ipv4 and type any valid ip address, what about DNS server?

If you don't have access to the internet you wont need one.

Essentially this, but they all need to be in the same range

