Hello everyone!
Two weeks ago I bought a Sony a5100 with 16-50 lenses (Model SELP1650), but when I started filming I noticed shadows around the image.
I researched forums about the problem, and saw that it could be an effect called ‘vignette’.
I shoot with the setting 1/80 F5.6 and ISO around 400 to 600 (with 3 lamps of 60w in a room of 3 meters by 3 meters)
and I was recommended to set the camera to 1/60 F11 and a higher ISO (around 2000)
I put this setting, but with the ISO increased, the image is very saturated.
Is there any other solution to remove these shadows?
The camera is very good, and the focus is fast, but this problem with “shadows” (or “vignettes”) is putting an end to my filming.
The image below is part of a shot on a white wall
Configurations: 1/80 F5.6 and ISO around 400 to 600 (with 3 60w lamps in a 3 meter by 3 meter room)
Just so we’re talking the same langauge, when you’re saying “shadows” and “vignetting”, you are talking about the fact that the picture becomes darker in the corners?
The vignetting in my experience is usually a combination of lens design and the aperture setting (f-stop number). If I check a review of the lens in question, there’s a table showing the vignetting effect on different focal lenghts and f-stops: https://www.imaging-resource.com/lenses/sony/16-50mm-f2.8-dt-ssm-sal1650/review/
Most lenses have some vignetting.
So the three solutions I would look at is:
Smaller aperture (higher f-stop number)
Selecting the image composition so the vignetting doesn’t really show (white walls and blue skies are perhaps the most revealing)
Edit in post-processing of the image or the movie clip. I mainly work in still images but most software solutions for raw conversion or image processing can remove vignetting with ease, and it’s somtimes built in to the camera as well these days. For moving images I have less experience but it should be possible there too.
And I’m also a bit confused about the saturation from high ISO - In my experience, higher ISO can lead to more noise but the saturation stays the same. Perhaps you changed the exposure as well?
The table shows that the vignetting is actually way more present in the wide angle than in the mid and tele focal lenghts, so a fourth tip with that lens would be to avoid the 16mm setting too.
yes vignetting all you can do to get rid of it is increase the fstop.
depending on the lens that can be anything from f2.0 to f5.6.
as a general rule though its only really a problem at the lens’s max aperture so 1s you reduce it, the corners will brighten.
adjusting iso wont help on its own… but you can increase it the higher the fstop you use but as to how high you can go without it affecting image quality will depend on your cams sensor.