How To Prevent Unexpected Reboots In Windows?

I recently chose to do a clean install the proper way to see if that fixes an issue I was having that started a few weeks ago. Time will tell if that issue has been properly fixed or not. Anyway, I’ve noticed there are times after doing a clean install, Windows will unexpectedly reboot without warning at the most inconvenient of times which quite honestly does irk me a bit! >:(

So, with that being said, is there a setting of some sort within Windows I can adjust so this won’t happen anymore? I’m pretty sure I’ve managed to do this before, but I don’t remember what I would have to adjust. For anyone wondering, I’m on Windows 11.

If anyone needs more details or wishes to ask me anything, feel free to do so & I’ll get back with you! :slight_smile: Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me with this!

What you need to do is go into windows network settings and toggle “metered” connection. This will keep windows from downloading updates without asking. Next you should check the startup tab in windows manager and disable any services you don’t want to start automatically.

I couldn’t find the metered connection setting you were talking about. within the Settings app. Is the setting you’re talking about in Control Panel? :thinking: If you specifically knew where it’s at, that might help. (Not sure if by default my pc actually uses that setting or not though…) Also, not to sound skeptical, but how would adjusting my startup options help with Windows unexpectedly rebooting? O.o Did you somehow misinterpret my post?

Thanks. I managed to find the Setting after a brief amount of tinkering/poking around, but it was already off by default considering I did a clean install of Windows just today. Is there anything else I could do aside from what you suggested? Just want to be sure I’m covering all the bases here…

Adjust active hours might be your next tweak.

active hours

That’s what I was trying to think of earlier! I think I’ll try that & hopefully [Fingers crossed.] that does it. Thanks for jogging my memory, btw! :slight_smile:

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Glad to help!

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