How to integrate KeePassX into Firefox

Hello guys,

please take a moment and check if you could help me with this one.

Im running Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa and I want to integrate password manager into Firefox as I did in Windows.
On windows Im using KeePass2 with PassIFox plugin. Everything works and when I visit a site that I have account on, it automatically fills my login info and logs me in.

On Mint, I went for cross-platform version of KeePass named KeePassX. It reads my password database, everything works, but I cant get that Firefox integration up and running.

Has anyone solved this issue? Thank you

Keepassx has no plugin infrastructure so no plugins.

You can use keepass on Linux though.

Okay, so the issue was Linux does not have up-to-date repository with latest KeePass2 version in it.

If anyone encounters this problem, the way to fix it is:
- uninstall KeePass2 via software manager in your Linux
- go to this page and scroll down to Contributed/Unofficial KeePass Packages where Linux packages are listed.
- then, follow the link (for ubuntu based distros:
- manually add repository and install latest keepass from command line

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:jtaylor/keepass
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install keepass2

  • add keepasshttp.plgx plugin from here to a folder where your KeePass2 is installed
  • to find out, type "whereis keepass2" in command line (mine was in /usr/lib/keepass2/)
  • open KeePass2 and log into your password database.
  • check if the plugin was correctly loaded in Tools -> Plugins - there should be KeePassHttp listed in version 2.21 or above
  • install Firefox plugin PassIFox and let the browser restart
  • open Firefox and click CONNECT button in top right to pair it with your database in KeePass2

  • DONE :-)

Keepass, Keepass2 and keepassx and keepassx 2 are four different things!

Furthermost is keepass not the same as keepassx! They use the same database file, thus are compatible but they are different projects!