So Everyone seems to have issues with linux distros onto pcie ssd because they cant find it.
the Easy method is to install the linux distro directly to a usb drive and before updating or anything then reboot loading the Acronis cloning software boot disk. it reads the drive so now you can clone the distro that you installed directly to the internal ssd and then remove usb drive and boot the internal drive.
for people on windows 10 to be able to install you need to go to settings / backup and restore / advanced tools / boot euife mode then chose to access bios
turn on legacy support it disables windows secure boot then boot order putting usb hard drive up top then cdrom then hard drive / then set boot options from 0 to 20 seconds / exit and save now reboot and press esc when the system boots it will take you to a boot menu choose F9 or whichever allows you to chose boot device then cho0se usb drive to boot your install disk.
its easy to write an iso to usb with linux built in image writing program found by right click iso then choose open with other programs and find image writer on list.
I hope this helps everyone have great New Year.