How-To Get a Tek Syndicate Windows Start Button

So I've been using a Raze The World start button ever since Tek Syndicate uploaded this video on Windows 8 back in 2013. I recently mentioned this in my review of the Tek Syndicate mouse and I guess a lot of people didn't know about this or that you could do it, so here's how you do that.

Now, I'm using Start is Back with Windows 8, but this would just as easily work on 8.1 or 10 if you're using Start is Back, which you should because its amazing. Anyway, so you need to download the .png file which can be found in the links from that original Tek Syndicate upload but for ease of access I've linked it below. I have also linked my altered version. Now the original one turns green when you click it, which I did not like so I changed it to just go black instead. I found this much more fitting to the aesthetic.

Original Tek Syndicate Start Orb:
Altered version:

If you have Start is Back already installed and the orbs downloaded then its really quite simple. Right click your start button and go to properties.

Lastly, go into the 'Appearance' tab and click the option to 'Add' your .png, select, save & exit.

Enjoy your Raze the World Start Button.


Way cooler then microsnot's start.

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Just tried to set it up on my kde Desktop. But since the taskbar is resizable it doesn't look very good when the logo is being scaled.

Does anybody know, if there is a .svg version of the ts logo?

I think there was talk of an SVG in the community wiki thread. IIRC the logo on the sidebar is an SVG, I don't know if you can do Save Image As, or something like that.

I just checked. It's a .png.... It's set as a background in the style sheet (that's why you can't do "save as")

Oh hey cool! I've collected a metric BUT TON of start orbs if anyone is interested

Some are ones I worked on and never completed, those would be the ones that are just a single big orb.

Cool stuff Joker thank you.

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No problem. People have been asking me for years when they see it. Now I can just link them here ;)


Yeah i will check if you also can use this button with classic shell.
But i suppose you can.

By the way awesome and honnest mouse review aswell! ☺

Thanks man! Really like your channel btw. Do you know how these icons scale to 4k?

I'm using a 4K screen and its fine. The properties screenshot was on the 4k screen.

This is going to be helpful. I have to move to win8 soon which I am kind of afraid to. Glad there is a way to DeSuck it :D. Definitely will have a Raze The World start button.

Edit: From


Nice find!

This sparked me to go back and update the clicked version which just went to a complete black pretty much. I think purple actually works well.... obviously cuz Joker :P

Purple Version:

If you guys want more customization, Classic Shell is a good way to go.

Well, some of the guys and gals on XFCE, Mate, Cinnamon should have no problem with this !

Confirmed functional on Classic Shell, and Start10.

I wish someone would breathe new life into Emerge Desktop so that we could make custom TS themes for Windows that actually changed your DRE.


Thanks for confirmation.

I did not have had time to test it yet.
But i was basicly expecting it to work without problems.

I changed the menu button on my Linux system at work to the white version. Now I get reminded of TS every time I look at the menu :-)