How to disable RGBs in AMD Wraith Prism?

I’ve only connected the CPU fan and the thing lights up like a strip club neon.

I haven’t paid 7600 PLN for a LASIK operation just to get another one years later with inflated prices just because hardware vendors hate their customers. How can I disable this eye sight destroyer?

Also the RGB connector is undocumented. The motherboard has a 5V and 12V pin header for that, but it’s stated nowhere in the CPU manual which voltage is appropriate for the header controlling the LEDs.

Close the lid, or put under your desk.

It’s all either 12V 4-pin RGB (12V, G, R, B) pure analog controls (i.e. your current source on each channel control the brightness, all diodes shine the same colors), or 5V 3-pin ARGB (5V, D, N/C, GND in a typical 4-pin-wide format with 3rd pin missing) like this:

ARGB sometimes has proprietary plugs, but can still be determined by the number of pins present.

EDIT: googled a bit and this might be of use:

Sect. 5. (Connect Fan and RGB/USB Cable to Motherboard) clearly says there are two methods of controlling the RGBs, either via USB cable or via RGB (the 12V one). For USB control I guess you want to use their control utility:


Thank you, it helped. Really wish they’d print that kind of stuff in the manual.